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Everything That was Wrong is Right
Barbiturates - Butalbital, Aspirin & Caffeine
Citation:   EvilPuppet. "Everything That was Wrong is Right: An Experience with Barbiturates - Butalbital, Aspirin & Caffeine (exp52532)". Jun 13, 2007.

1 capsl oral Barbiturates (capsule)
I found a few generic fiorinal capsules in the medicine cabnet. I think they were origionally my dad's for migranes but he stopped taking them because they didn't help much. I waited a few week until I could have a few hours to myself in case I did something stupid, and I took one of the pills. After about 45 minutes, I started feeling extremely euphoric. I felt as though everything that had been wrong in the world had gone right. This feeling intensified until I just could not stopp giggling.

After about 10 minutes of sitting online reading other people's experiences with this drug, I went outside to ride my bike. as I was going down the street, I noticed a slight drunk feeling but not enough to make me feel incapable of doing anything I couldn't do sober. As I write this report, the euphoria is still with me as strong as ever and I feel better than I have ever felt before in my entire life. This euphoria is much stronger than what I experience with marijuana or alcohol. Overall, I suggest trying this drug to anyone who has access to it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52532
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2007Views: 24,844
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Barbiturates (210) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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