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Citation:   Malik. "Momento: An Experience with Cannabis (exp53353)". Oct 8, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My first pot trip was by far the most intense (pot) trip I've ever had.

I was in grade 12. Some of my freinds had tried it, and some hadn't. We bought a 20 sack to split 4 ways. As we didn't have a pipe and couldn't roll, we decided to smoke it out of a pop can (for some reason, this is the only time it worked). We all laughed like crazy, in stereotypical hollywood fashion and made mad ramblings That 70's Show style. My sense of depth perception was out of control, with objects appearing to be moving closer and farther away. I felt like I was getting taller and that the room was getting simultaneously getting smaller. I kept getting great ideas, but my friends were too stoned to understand... or I was just being nutty. I decided to write everything down to discuss later. Not wanting to have evidence found, I wrote it all over my chest and stomach. The next day I found all the writing illegible, and that which was identifiable was just an endless chain of seemingly random letters.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 53353
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 8, 2021Views: 428
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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