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Sunny Side Up
LSD & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Aiolos. "Sunny Side Up: An Experience with LSD & Nitrous Oxide (exp53476)". Jan 26, 2020.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:15   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 7:00 125 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
I had been planning this day, in multiple ways, on and off for the last month. It was the second day of a 3-day festival in the pacific northwest, and known to be the day for ingestion of psychedelics.

T-0130: My fiancee and I woke up, we were staying in a friends place only a block away from this festival, and prepared ourselves using our usual morning routine, which involves lazing about and checking e-mail.

T-0100: A (my fiancee) and I wander over and into the festival, and get in line for the free meal of the day, and subsequently, eat the meal.

T:0000: After a brief discussion and assesment of our moods (everything is A-Ok and ready for take-off), we each take two hits of blotter acid reportedly from San Francisco. At this point, I had vague apprehensions about the trip, as while I have a fairly lengthy history with an assortment of psychedelics, in all of those times, it'd never been at a Festival.

At this point, we puttered around the place, ran into friends, and passed the time. My usual pre-trip jitters were in full swing, but nothing worrisome (i.e., no nausea).

T+0100: We run into a particularly close friend who wanted to smoke, so we loaded up chillum and passed that around. Soon after we parted ways, and A and I found some comfortable roots under a tree and broke out the whippets and cracker.
At this point, the effects of the LSD were hardly being felt, if being felt at all, but there were close to the point of being readily recognizable.

T+0115: The whippets changed everything. Their audio distortion lasted far longer than usual and was far more varied. At this point it started raining, and while it wasn't distressing, we knew we didn't want to stay out in the rain and get soaked this early in the day. The trip had begun to take hold in a far more tangible manner, but we were still a good way off from the peak.

T+0130: We made our way back to our friend's apartment. Along the way we ran into a vaque acquaintance who claimed to have 'eaten 100 hits of acid in the last 24 hours.' A and I nodded and told them that was nice, and then continued walking. When we got to the apartment we started laughing and talked at length about how unjoyable that amount of acid sounds, how it seems more likely to be doing acid for the sake of being a revolutionary-visionary more than anything else, etc. Our conversation winded through our usual topics of narration and meta-narration until we decided to put on music.

One of our favorite games we play when we trip is to put A's iPod on shuffle and each take one of the headphones, and just let conversation flow about whatever the music is or inspired our thoughts, etc. Eventually a Fats Dominoe track comes up, and I grab my friend's (who was at the festival at this point) bass and start playing along. After the song ends we decide its time for a change of locales, so we go to my friend's secluded porch.

T+0200: Out on the porch, the trip changed considerably. Nature was appearant in her full glory, with the emerald green of the grass being contrasted with the grey of the rain and coulds, with dark brown trees growing and shifting everywhere. Needless to say, watching nature is always peaceful during a trip and makes for a good breather.

We lit our cigarettes, and started talking, while we loaded up the crackers and began the second round of whippets. We did 2 each again, and their effects were even more noticable then previously, and the audio distortion lasted longer, coming and going for the next eight hours. We postulated that all our brains needed is the knowledge of how something effects it to replicate it, especially when tripping.

After the mental slowing of the nitrous wore off (+2m?), I got the bass back out while A picked up a banjo. After a foray into the wonderful world of tuning through harmonics, we began to jam. Now, A doesn't play banjo or bass, but damn, it was fun. We ended up playing non-stop for the better part of an hour, at various points just drumming on the banjo and talking over the beat, or scraping the strings to produce ethereal noises, etc. The instruments became our toys, and it was fun.

T+300: The acid is in full effect now, and while less visually stimulating than usual, has the headtrip and just general trippiness that acid possesses. E, the friend who lives in the apartment we were staying at this weekend, showed up, and seeing our states, decided to dose himself and his roomate, L, on some of his private stash of reportedly 500 microgram blotter, one hit each for them. The four of us smoked a bowl, and A and I moved back inside.

We ended up getting on a computer and drawing messages to each other using MSPaint. I ended up writing on one something along the lines of 'Attention Attention, this is a PSA, the mothership has landed.' A took over the computer and drew 'A + B', and I added in a '= C' which we pondered for a while until we decided to keep our eyes open for this mystical C, whatever form it may take.

Now that the sun has come out, we head back to the festival with E and L, taking A's dog along with us (we brought the dog with us to the apartment). When we reach the edge, E and L go off to meet with a few friends and come up in their own way, and A and I end up taking the dog around while we walk over to a burritostand.

Initally things are ok, just weird, but soon bad vibrations begin to creep in on all fronts. A and I both pick up on this, as we walk by people whose brains, at 5:30 in the afternoon, are already completely fried, and more people like the aforementioned acid-hero who are just beyond words or, if talking, completely creepy.

Eventually we run into one of A's friends, one who has been traveling for the last six months. The dog takes this stop in walking as a great time to take a shit. A, being unprepared for this, goes off to find a plastic baggie, while I talk with A's friend. She's drunk, and begins making random busy talk with me. At this point, the dog, completely unuse to the number of people around, the food and beverage spilled everywhere, begins to strain frantically on the leash. A's friend begins to comment on how this is a terrible dog who is completely misbehaved, but I just nod a long and stare off into space. A returns, cleans up the shit, and listens to her friends berating for awhile, before she excuses us, and we leave.

A's friend's criticisms didn't stop our trip at all, but just made A mad until the problem was talked about. We decided the dog was fine, and completely within her right to freak out in such a setting, especially as she was a 4 month old puppy at the time.

We eventually make it to the burrito stand, and get a burrito each. This really brings everything back down to earth, and we take the dog back to the apartment and eat our burritos listening to quiet music. We're still tripping hard, but we feel like we're over the hump.

T+0500: E and L show back up, and they tell us we *need* to go see the sunset with them. We agree that it's a good idea, and end up amassing a large group of close friends who trudge up to a pair of west facing bleachers and we watch the sun and a couple of bowls between the 8 of us. At this point, the events of the day are winding down while the events of the night are being prepared for, so their was a large lull across the lands. A, E, L and I made for a picnic table, and established it as our base camp. We had a long psychedelic conversation and smoked cigarettes for a long while. We see other friends, and generally just enjoy the dusk.

T+0700: A and I decide it's time to take the MDMA. We both pop our capsules, and go return to the picnic table. Everyone decides its time to get moving again, so we all make our separate ways.

T+0745: A and I are sitting in a dark room filled with glow paint and UV lightning and decide to use our last two whippets. The whippets produced the most spectacular trails I've ever experienced, and A commented that 'she understands why ravers like glow sticks so much'. We left the dark room and went to the amphitheater that had been set up for a glow-stick performance. This is an annual tradition at the festival, where a group of people would attach a suit of glowsticks to themselves and go through a play with prerecorded audio. We watched for five minutes, and enjoyed what we saw, but got bored and restless from standing in a very cold field, and wandered back to the dark room and ran into a friend and had yet another psychedelic conversation. The MDMA was really beginning to kick in at about +0800, and our conversation became filled with empathy.

The glowstick performance is over, and we catch the end of it where a mass of helium filled balloons are let off from the middle of the audience and glow sticks are thrown through the air. The feeling of jubilation that radiates out of the audience is more enjoyable than the visual spectacle that is being created. The audience moves enmasse to another part of the festival, where a countdown from 100 is started. At 0, every cheers, and is showered with inflatable balls. Everyone begins to throw these balls up in the air, and a similar feeling is created, but even more intense as the only reason the balls are able to maintain their popcorn flight paths is because of the participation of the audience.

We're getting physically exhausted, and make our way back to E's and L's apartment. They arrive just after us, and slowly, a long string of our friends wanders through, including one of my closest friends, S. Everyone begins to smoke pot in earnest, while S and I go out to the porch to smoke a cigarette. He has taken shrooms earlier in the day, but we ended up talking for awhile before his cell rang and he had to go to meet his girlfriend.

When he left he said I'm sorry I can stay more, and then we both started telling each other how glad we are to know each other and we both ended up with tears in our eyes. Psychedelics always play with my emotions heavily like that, but never so intense is the MDMA and LSD combination proved to be.

The rest of the evening was quiet and filled with cigarettes and the Life Aquatic until A and I passed out in the early hours of dawn, at roughly T+1500.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53476
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2020Views: 760
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LSD (2), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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