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A Root of Heaven and Hell
Citation:   thechemist. "A Root of Heaven and Hell: An Experience with Kava (exp53559)". Jun 15, 2018.

.25 oz oral Kava (powder / crystals)
It is possible the most vile substance ever. Well, as far as taste goes. Think of it like this: Cannabis Sativa is a harsh, nasty smoke. Kava Kava is a harsh nasty drink, but then again, I'd like to know what kind of thing will mess me up and taste good at the same time.

Kava is a powerful anti-anxiety drug. Its wonderful. It also aid with muscle control. I took it thinking I would hit euphoria, I.e. Get a cannabis high. No, that wasn't the case, although I couldn't stop smiling.

Kava kava is a great alternative to an addiction. By drinking it, I forget your worries and wants. I feel...liquid-like. That is really the only way to explain it. As far as a hallucinogen, I don't see much potential. In order to possibly hallucinate, it would have to be taken in high doses (which I am not up for, given it's loathsome taste). I wasted a pint of ice-cream...

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53559
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2018Views: 1,173
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Kava (30) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)

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