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The Power of Silence
Citation:   Stigmata. "The Power of Silence: An Experience with LSD (exp53770)". Jan 2, 2020.

1 tablet oral LSD  
  1 tablet oral LSD  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The night of the experience was a day after my last exam.
Had been mentally preparing myself the week of, by not studying and doing whatever I felt like, and trying to have fun.

The trip I took was COMPLETLY ALONE. And EVERYTHING that I didn't want to happen HAPPENED. Of course, it was unbelievably fun.

Day started at my old friends memorial, as she had died 3 months earlier. Blue was sky, green was grass. Went over to my friends house, ''P'''. Now, P hadn't taken anything that night as I had seen him, though later took things I'm still unaware of. Mushrooms and whatnot.

Before I met P, I took one dosage of lsd, then got on the bus, and went to his house. When I got there, we walked around, and I took another. Didn't feel anything for an hour. Then I started to walk to to stores, as seeing I was hungry. I would wind up down on hills when the path to the stores was clearly on the sidewalk. The stones started getting metallic, and change shape and move around. The road would flow along, like a river. When I reached the store, a large grocery store, I bought some pepsi, and couldn't control my laughter. Everyone would look at me. I walked back, and onto this old, unused overhead crossing thing, and sat in the middle of it, above to moving traffic, and it would slowly bounce up and down, moving me along with it. Can't remember much to the point where I got on the bus. Everything was pixilated and vibrant with colour and love. People would talk to me, and I wouldnt hear them. I had to reply to the expression on their face.

Through a whole bus ride of huge pupils and laughing, I got off, and walked home. EVERYTHING would move, change colour, and melt and distort, twist, warp, ETC.

I got home, and my sister was getting drunk and listening to some strange pesi commercial techno music.

Scared the shit out of me, and I went downstairs to my room.

The lsd made everything do something. Or very holographic.

One of the main focuses of my trip was the spectrum of music, colour, and emotion. The guitar is an example of the musical spectrum. The holiness of white light, mirrors, and everything. My posters would be sucked into a planes engine, or would make use of its overall surroundings.

I had like, as I count, 15 different peaks, all diverse from eachother.

Some were bad, like slugs crawling around my feet.
I'd turn the light off, and listen to music with windowlight shining in, and I felt hypnotized and seeing things follwing the beat and rhythm of the music.

I, or you, will feel insane and psychotic.
And think unbelievable things.
My friend, P, was this galactic magnum, that had force to do much, and take any shape or form. Which generally is metaphorically true, because he knows how to deal with a lot, and uses strange comedic characters to see peoples reactions and figure them out.

The BAD parts of my trip, were total agony.

Uncontrolable thoughts.
I'd listen to music, and as spiders were crawling out of my chair, these HYPNOTIC trances would wave through me. Showing me traumus, and then mutilating, but the most powerful mind absorbed elevating thoughts.

I saw everything.
And my eyes started hurting.


And pot makes the peaks a lot more fun, and brings back the peaks after.

Too much fun to be conceived.

But, buyer beware, I didn't get to bed until 7 a.m.

ITs fun, but powerful.

Mutilation is also a bad way to cross. My friend had given me a razor to administer the lsd, I didn't use it, but it unwound in my pocket, and stabbed my hand twice, and I didn't feel a thing.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53770
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2020Views: 797
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LSD (2) : General (1), Various (28)

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