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Unexpected Adverse Reaction
Modafinil (Provigil)
Citation:   Stumpyface. "Unexpected Adverse Reaction: An Experience with Modafinil (Provigil) (exp54814)". Jul 25, 2006.

200 mg oral Modafinil (daily)
I am a 23 year old, otherwise healthy, narcoleptic male. I was recently put on Provigil, 100 mg twice a day. After taking Provigil for about 2 months with no serious side-effects, I experienced a severe event of tachycardia (increased pulse rate). I went from feeling fine to feeling like I was in a drunk stupor within a period of about 5 minutes. My girlfriend and her mother rushed me to the ER where my pulse was racing at around 155 BPM. I did not respond to IV adenosine, and was subsequently given IV beta blockers for the next 8 hours.

My pulse was then steady between 70 and 80 bpm, which is slightly higher than my typical resting pulse rate. Looking back, it was an incredibly frightening experience, only afterward did I realize how dangerous this pulse rate was to my health. I stopped taking the Provigil and am now going back to more conventional treatments (i.e. methylphenidate or amphetamines). I'm just so thankful I was with loved ones because I didn't feel like I needed to go to the hospital when it was happening.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54814
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 25, 2006Views: 22,081
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Modafinil (217) : Health Problems (27), Hospital (36)

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