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A Study of the Mind, Heart and Soul.
Citation:   Squeak. "A Study of the Mind, Heart and Soul.: An Experience with 2C-I (exp55844)". Jan 24, 2007.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20 1.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:12 1.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 5:00 2.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Hurahh, Welcome people, this is my adventure with 2c-i. I know this drug really good, and a .2 of a gram just doesn't scare me, anyhow:


I'm getting home from work, it's Thursday night, I don't work on Fridays... hrm, what to do? oh hello baggie of 2c-i. *gobble 0.2g 2c-I* [Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]


Time for a bong, gah... well, sorry guys, one bong turned to two, two bongs turned to three, and three turned to twelve... Well, thats one and a half grams by the way...


Well, can you say this is almost impossible. When I focus on my monitor it appears to have a hole in it, completely black where i am focusing, i have to stare at the top right portion of this to see it.


I've been 'peaking' on a scale comparable to a 1-2 hit dosage range for the past... well, since i started to trip, this is so weird. It is not overpowering, or over demanding of my body, or mind. My breathing is normal, temperature normal, pulse normal, I'm pleased with this, and decide to smoke more weed.

Please note that weed's effects while I am on drugs like this is unnoticeable, for me it is purely ceremonial, and I'm smoking Grapefruit, come on, it's just that good *drool*.


Well, a correction, or update, rather on my previous statement. The intensity of my peak has gotten to that of a 0.06g dose of the substance. Colors very beautiful, my fan vibrates, however slightly, and i can see the air or what maybe ions or particulates of some sort or another being blown into my face. However, there is neigh, The fan is 3 feet from me.

My room sports a blue florescent light, it's rather trippy, and adds for a nice effect. The music, John Lennon, is amazing at the moment, however, I have another room that, when you close the access point, is 100% dark, no natural or artificial light. I'll be back.


WOW, What an adventure, if only I could find the words to explain the things I've seen, and imagined, and decided, and oh my god.

Here's what happened in a nutshell:

+ The Dark inspired strange thoughts, it instilled fear, bravery against that which was not there, it made me hear and see things. At one point I could have sworn that I seen a cat walk right by my feet, i quickly threw the light on, and to avail nothing.

+ The environment inspired great visions, interesting tracers, and 'Blurred' vision, from the tracing black and obscured surroundings that my eyes were showing me. Closing my eyes I can see amazing things, I think of a place, and I can see it. If it's a strong enough thought, I can move about as if I were watching a movie.

+ I also took some time to meditate on recent things in my life, I decided to move to another province during this time. I indeed owe a lot to this drug, the decision has been haunting me for quite some time. I also took the time to get in tune with what I've been dealing with on a daily basis, I feel much better about everything now, I can honestly say.

And so yes, That was a crazy time, but now I'm back out here, in my own surrealism. My high hasn't increased by much more than earlier stated, I can tell however that this is going to drag out. Always remember, no 2c-I trip is ever the same, I've had them feel like Ecstasy, with immense rushes of energy. I've had them feel like I just drank 3 cups of coffee, and that was that.


Well, I went for a walk. I /HATE/ being cooped up on substances, I need my roaming freedom. It's late at night as well, and no one but the cops and me are out right now, I stopped and talked to a few of them at Tim Hortons, nice guys, they offered to give me a ride home, but I refused.

On my way home I smoke about another 2 grams of Marijuana. mm mm, so good. As well, I would like to throw in here that I have Scoliosis and 'toking just enables me to mellow out to the point where I don't care to complain about the soreness.

Whee, man, I really shouldn't have taken the opportunity to confront the enforcement like that, Hrm. They were very pleasant people though, they asked me how I was feeling, one had a slight quirk in his eye like he knew something, paranoia? I don't know. The other was really giggly, neither's eyes were bloodshot, and they did not smell of the funky stuff, so they were probably just messing with my head. I replied, 'uh... I forget, how about you?' and that line always gets me out of trouble, because its sensible, but perfectly describes my mind set.


I'm going to stop writing until the end of my trip, getting bugged out by the screen. Oh, I'm still wacked out of my tree, same high as previous stated, it would be about as strong as taking... 0.09 or so at once...


Ugh, my head HURTS. I haven't slept, I'm still 'wired'. the high itself lasted almost exactly 12 hours, and went from the plateau peak to quite a hardy headache. That was to be expected, though, as it was morning, and I was outside without my sunglasses. the size of my pupils, and the sun just didn't match. I got to see the sunrise, it was AMAZING, I sat by Lake Ontario for a while, right on the water almost, and was skipping rocks, the splash patterns of the rock were brilliant.

Earlier, almost right after I left you guys, I made a picture, which I lost because my computer crashed. I got so mad :'( god bless notepad, and that annoying popup telling you to save your work :P

Anyhow, I must now encourage you to read the following:

Details on myself as well, so if you want you can further analyze in comparison to racial background, height, weight, gender, or any other classification, you can easily reference without having to contact me.

::Height: 5'6.5'
::Weight: 140 Lbs
::Genealogy: Predominantly Irish, thusly accompanied by Scottish, English, and German.
::Sex: Male
::Age: 19 YOA

Well, ok, we all have our connections, and in some places of the world it is still legal to buy substances for non-abusive purposes. I apologize to anyone who reads this article with an un-open mind, but please do read on.

I have been experimenting with this substance for some time now, almost 2 months. I had purchased 2 grams for personal use. Me(Squeak), Scarface, Britches, Winni, and Sky all had our fun with this substance while I had it.

Me and Scarface, however, being the experienced trippers we are, decided to do some testing of the drug on ourselves. We tested the body's ability to adapt to the drug, and does your body build a resistance? Yes, very much so. Doing it one day, waiting a full 24 hours, and dosing 2x the previous gives the same result on both occasions.

After finding our results with that, we decided to test it's effects in the larger dosages. Starting with about... oh, .06 of a gram, Wow, tremendous effects. Everything from smaller dosages, however intensified. About a week or so after we tried 0.1 of a gram, and it was nuts as well, however I must say my body's reactions to both events was very similar, and the effects from .6 to .1 did not seem to intensify very much at all, I would almost declare that engrossing your dose past .06 is ridiculously unnecessary.

Please note, everyone, my first encounter with this drug was aproximately 5 years ago. A friend of mine from the US, oh yeah, I'm a Canadian btw, told me about it. I did research, a friend of mine placed an order and we had it in 3 days. it's been a while since then, and I'm glad I can still get it. 2,5-dimethoxy,4-iodophenthylamine is my favorite substance, I would have to say. It's calm effects that can rattle me, however irregularly are interesting.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55844
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2007Views: 7,007
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