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A Short Trip to Extravagance
Citation:   Mr. Pilgrim. "A Short Trip to Extravagance: An Experience with DMT (exp56042)". Dec 10, 2006.

1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It all started at about 6:00AM one morning after I had gotten ready for work. I pulled out a fairly large joint of Marijuana that was chemically combined with DMT that I had recieved from a buddy the night before. I went out on my back porch amidst a dense forest and near a fairly small backyard pond.

I lit up the joint and smoked the whole thing in about 1 and a half minutes taking very large hits 'til it was burning my fingers at the end. The first thing I remember seeing, that was out of the normal, was the seperation of every single water dropplet in front of me. The time was about 6:10AM, and I walked inside, and the journey began.

I was going to attempt heading to the bathroom before my trip began, but it was too late and I had lost all sense of reality. The first thing to hit me was probably the largest emotion I've ever fealt in my life. A very positive emotion considering what I had experienced in the past. I fealt like I had absorbed all of the worlds peace, love, and serenity in that microsecond of my life. Along with this came a large explosion of color, almost like a large spark explosion that you see in comic books.

And when that emotion had subsided, I found myself in an extravagent castle, made out of a khaki stone with gold and jewels piled everywhere, and large stone columns, painted in a striped pattern, were soring into the heavans. At this point, to my suprise when I thought about it later on, I was not shocked, but I was strangely at home. I fealt this is where I should be and as long as I was here, retaining all of the knowledge of my emotional explosion earlier in the trip, that there was no worries in the world, and that the entire world had reached a single cooperative and euphoric state that Lennon had dreamed for not so long ago.

I was in this castle for what seemed to be millions of lifetimes, just wallowing in this amazing feeling of peacefulness when finally I found myself in a downwards spiral. I found that one of the endless pilars that was in the room was falling towards me. But rather that feeling scared of the death that I knew I was going to recieve, I knew it was because I had done my share in bringing peace into this world, and knew I had to, like Adam and Eve, face the harshness of reality. The pillar struck me, and like an apple hitting me in the forehead from atop a tree, I was back in my basement.

One of the strangest things was that there was a pool que in my lap where I was lying, which I later connected to being that pillar that toppled me back into reality.

I checked my watch immediatly to see how many years I must have had been laying here for, decaying, and to my suprise, it was only 6:28AM. Still just enough time for me to head to work.

It was the singlemost amazing trip of my life, in just that 18 minutes of my life, I had fealt the best I have ever fealt in my life, and I hope many others can feel what I did that night.

Peace to all of ya.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 56042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 10, 2006Views: 6,411
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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