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Bipolar, 2Cs & Medication
Buproprion (XL), 2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   asslm. "Bipolar, 2Cs & Medication: An Experience with Buproprion (XL), 2C-I & Cannabis (exp56425)". Jan 25, 2009.

18 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis  
  300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
I am an 18 year old male taking Buproprion to treat bipolar depression.

I'll try to make this short and sweet. I've tried 2C-E, 2C-I, DOC, LSD, Mushrooms, Salvia, Cannabis, and DXM.

I'm chosing to submit this trip in particular because I've read so many warnings about mixing anything with Buproprion which has caused me to be so careful about approaching these drugs. Although it is better to be safe than sorry, I'm suprised my experiences were so badass and rewarding given the number of horrible experiences I've read about that involve buproprion and other psychedelics.

I basically measured the dose based on the measured amount in a capsule of 2C-I that I decided to mark with a .005 technical pen previously, as if it were a vial with incriments of measurement printed. Then using purified water, I poured the heated up water, into a glass cup containing 2C-I, and waited until the crystals almost vanished completely.

50 minutes later: I smoke a bit of potent weed, just a little, it seemed to activate the beginning of this trip.

1 hour later: I came up pretty fast, pretty intense visuals.

2-5 hours later: Less intense visuals. I ventured outside, the nearly full moon in broad daylight seems to be in several places as my direct field of vision exits its direction. On the sand the rippling patterns are facinating, I then look to the sky and see the same pattern woven throughout the cloudless sky. I like this feeling. It's a badass feeling.

5-7 hours later: I'm laughing a shitload. Little body buzz noted throughout the trip. I can't wait to mix this with mushrooms and get to some artwork.

conclusion: Sorry to make this so short, but there will definitely be other reports that will explain more indepth and glowing experiences. With 2C-I mania was not noticed at all, even at low low doses. However, this is not the case with 2C-E. Perhaps this will aid the study of 2C-E. This was the first time I was a bit less cautious with this drug, and I'm glad I was. I suggest if you take Buproprion to take the smallest threshold doses before anything. Then take a psychedelic dose once you personally feel it's time.

[[OFF-NOTE WARNING]] If you are bipolar, there is a chance, that '2C-E' will induce 'severe mania' at even considerably low doses. In my case, at 3mg mania was increased for about 12 hours. Since I'm taking Buproprion which severely strengthens my threshold for depression and limits the intensity of mania, this wasn't a bad thing, I got a lot of painting done, no grandiosity was really present, and even a few medatative closed eye visuals began which was probably initiated by the level of mania I felt. I predict that an unmedicated manic depressive individual taking 2C-E, especially a strong dose, could induce a manic-depressive psychosis lasting possibly much longer than most individuals, it could probably profoundly alter the personal-balance in chemicals, and one may never be the same again. Be extremely cautious when approaching this chemical period.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56425
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2009Views: 9,062
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Pharms - Bupropion (87), 2C-I (172), 2C-E (137) : Depression (15), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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