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So Far So Good
Citation:   macarisma. "So Far So Good: An Experience with Venlafaxine (exp56500)". Erowid.org. Apr 20, 2009. erowid.org/exp/56500

75 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine
For over 12 years now I have been suffering from depression so severe that it often causes black-outs when things get too much for me to handle. I 'shut down' & have periods of doing things that I don't remember doing at all. More than one of those periods have included dangerous behavior & suicide attempts.

Recently, I had to out myself to friends & family because of my actions during a black-out which ended up getting me in some shit with the law. For court proceedings my family & I decided that it was in my best interest to get a psychiatric evaluation & a full check-up at the Doc's.

My psychologist sent me to a local clinic, because like the many in this farce of a democracy, I have no insurance. I explained everything to the doctor, telling him I have depression, blackouts, anxiety, panic attacks, daily thoughts of suicide, etc.

Now, hypodermic needles give me severe panic attacks. I am deathly afraid of those things, which is good in part as I can never become a shooter. So, basically he couldn't draw blood from me to test what my chemical imbalances might be. He thinks I very well may be bi-polar but isn't quite sure. He told me he was giving me some free samples of Effexor (5 weeks, what a peach!) & to call him if my 'highs' were 'too high', which is an indication of being bi-polar/manic depressive when on an anti-depressant.

So far, I feel really good. I don't wake up in the morning thinking of fun new ways to kill myself. I don't flip out over tiny things. I'm quite calm, I have energy to get things done, I no longer feel the need to hole up in my room all day with my phone turned off.

I don't take it at bedtime because it keeps me up. I was warned strongly against quitting cold turkey, even if I have to resort to begging on the streets because I can't afford the next refill to get me off the stuff, I will.

If it turns out that I am not bi-polar/manic depressive I will keep on with Effexor. I dont mind the whole loss of appetite thing, I'm fat anyways. Heheh. No sexual side effects thus far, but if it becomes a huge problem well...there are ways past that I think. Like a patient & understanding partner maybe? I suggest, for women anyways, getting some sort of stimulating lube like Play in the green bottle. I have had issues coming to orgasm since I started having sex & this little bottle is a godsend.

Anyways, no complaints from me!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56500
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2009Views: 6,519
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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