The Purple Mouse
Citation:   Danger Dave. "The Purple Mouse: An Experience with 2C-E (exp56672)". Jun 21, 2007.

14 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
I took the 2C-E my first time in the morning, at a cabin in the mountains. After about 30 minutes of ingestion, I saw a mouse scurrying across the floor of the cabin, and I could tell that it had kicked in, because the mouse had what looked to be purple fur, and I felt a slight body load. I felt calm, and as I looked at the floor planks, the floor looked to be the metal hull of a ship. I blinked, and now the floor once again looked normal. My time perception became nonexistent, and I was unable to determine how much time had passed as I stared intently at the floor. Suddenly, the knots in the wood, and the grain of the wood floor were swimming in an almost fluid-like motion.

I then retreated to an outdoor campfire, where the grey rocks surrounding the fire looked like newsprint, with unreadable words on them. Wood was being thrown on the fire, however at the time it appeared to be melting like waxed milk cartons, colored similarly as well. The birch trees which surrounded the campfire appeared to have inscriptions on them as well, and floating letters which moved. My state of mind was calm, and all of the designs I saw were not disturbing, but at the time seemed completely natural, and not unusual.

I have had no negative health effects from the experience, and was completely back to normal after a good nights rest.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 56672
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2007Views: 1,448
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Alone (16)

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