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Really Relaxing
Damiana, Passionflower, Mullein, Skullcap, Lemon Balm
Citation:   Jibrial. "Really Relaxing: An Experience with Damiana, Passionflower, Mullein, Skullcap, Lemon Balm (exp56761)". Jan 30, 2013.

1 cup oral Passion Flower (tea)
  1 cup oral Mullein (tea)
  1 cup oral Lemon Balm (tea)
  1 cup oral Damiana (tea)
  1 cup oral Skullcap (tea)
I'd done a little research into so called natural highs and I settled on a mix of herbs that I picked up at a local herb and tincture shop. My first intention was to smoke this mix, which indeed i did, with little effect. It tasted fine but there was no high at all. My next throught was to brew it in a tea.

After the first cup of this mix, a woody strong flavor but not unpleasant once you get used to it, I started to feel it. Not as heavy or strong as I had hoped but the feeling was definitely relaxing. It made me a bit sleepy and really lay back.

I also noticed that when I did go to sleep it helped me have a deeper more relaxing sleep than I usually have.

I definitely recommend it.

PS: It had a nice side effect. I have asthma and this tea blend did a really great job of easing that up a good deal, moreso than regular tea.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2013Views: 16,564
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Skullcap (232), Damiana (107), Lemon Balm (590), Mullein (497), Passion Flower (121) : Alone (16), General (1)

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