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Fine, Pleasant
Citation:   Keith. "Fine, Pleasant: An Experience with Calamus (exp56903)". Mar 7, 2007.

4.0 g oral Calamus (tea)
I started out by purchasing 5 ounces at the local herbal store for about $1.19 an ounce. I've seen some stupid people buy this stuff for $10 to $15 and ounce online trying to get halucinogenic qualities.

The reason I purchased it is that it helps you focus and it counteracts the effects of cannabis. It also it one of the best things to clear the system of THC. As with any drug (except cannabis) too much will have an undesired effect such as nausea.

The desired type is the native variety grown here in the US. The aroma should be very pleasant and the taste should be acceptable but not great.

I mixed approx 50 grams in about 12 cups of water and boiled it for about 30 min and let it cool. I drank about a cup of it and within 15 min noticed a very focused effect. It also helps the craving of nicotine and neutralized my stonedness. It does however have a very small halucinogenic effect but very mild.

So here I am about 4 hours after drinking it working on my homework with a very calm and peaceful feeling while still very focused.

All in all, if I am looking to clean out my system, or if I am just looking for a tea that will make me feel very pleased and focused then Calamus might be the answer. I make sure I get the right type of Calamus from a reputable herbal store otherwise I could have a very bad experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2007Views: 11,272
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Calamus (106) : General (1), Alone (16)

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