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Blue Moon Rising
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Alex Turner. "Blue Moon Rising: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp57089)". Erowid.org. Apr 12, 2018. erowid.org/exp/57089

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
Seventeen years ago I was in Harrow, north London and had just finished college and heading home. I was on the bakerloo line carrying a tab of acid that had been in my wallet for some time. I'd done this before as it gives an excellent dreamlike trip that can be very intense and rather divine.

I was in a decent state of mind and thought the trip would fit quite nicely into the night. I stuck the tab on my tounge and got philosophical, deciding to light up a reefer as there were very few people aboard. The underground train had loomed onto the open and being seven o clock and dark the reflections on the window paralell in front of me were merged with whats reflected on the one behind, so I could see front, behind and my own reflection. As a realised this I also realised I was starting to feel the effects, strange feelings began coursing through my body and I started sniggering conspiritorially.

About ten minutes later the fellow sitting near me began singing while listening to his cassette player, singing the blues and clicking his fingers. I began laughing out loud then suddenly stopped. I thought if the man saw me laughing this way at him he might do somthing nasty like smash my nose or whatever. I managed to contain my hysteria and was feeling quite good about it, the weed giving me a glowing buzz all inside now. I felt a new sensation now, flowing inside me, still watching the guy singing totally care-free of what other people thought as if they weren't there, really in your face like. All of a sudden I burst into a fit of laughter, I couldn't stop for like five minutes but when I did I decided for some odd reason to pretend to be really drunk to explain my weird outbursts that could be taken badly.

I hung my head and kept shutting my eyes, letting my body rock with loud sway of the heavy old London train. When the guy that was impossible not to notice did get off I sat up and noticed things felt totally different now he was gone...only another two stops and twenty minutes till harrow wealdstone my destination.The train sped up again and I began to trip very weird, the reflections outside that I described began to look really trippy like watching four T.V's at once. I felt like I was one some kind of space race hurteling along to the finish. It was like I was blundering along in a senseless, confusing journey like in the film Brazil with Robert de Niro directed by Terry Gilliam.

When I got to the end of the race the station it was seven fifty. My legs felt rubbery and the orange lights were really bright and intense, I decide on a quick random drink at the old bastards pub, 'The case is altered', a pint of Gordons gin with lemonade perhaps. When I got to the pub at the end of the road I stared back at the clock tower at the station and coludn't even tell the time. The face of the old beast with those roman numerals was morphing and bending the more I stared at it. Its hard to describe the feeling not being capable, totally, of telling the time. It was like looking at your own face in the mirror and not recognising who it was.

When inside, which felt like ages later I stood at the bar sipping a beer, the only thing I could remember how to order. I felt so exposed when the old red nosed drinkers stared at me. It felt as if I'd just done somthing really odd like whip out my dick and piss on the carpet in front of me. In fact it took a long time to realise where I had been before coming to the place, there was somthing very strange that had happened. Turns out it was that weird scene on the train with the singer.

''whenna sum pretty woman comes a walkin past a me, brings that feelin all inside a me, start breakin down yeah start breakin down, blue moon risin oh yeah''.

Exp Year: 1989ExpID: 57089
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2018Views: 795
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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