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Pain Flows Out
LSA, Sleep Deprivation & Bodywork
Citation:   Chips. "Pain Flows Out: An Experience with LSA, Sleep Deprivation & Bodywork (exp57110)". Erowid.org. Jun 10, 2007. erowid.org/exp/57110

3 capsls oral LSA (capsule)
Some friends and I ingested 3 capsuals of lsa, known as space cadets, and stayed awake for 2 days, staying in the relaxed environment of my home. On the morning of the second day I began to experience the onset of a cluster headache. Sitting on the floor, one person sitting behind me, with thier hands on the top of my head, a person either side of me with hands on my shoulders, and one person in front of me with their hands on my feet. Because of the lack of sleep, plus the lsa, I was already in a state of oneness, feeling no seperation between I and the I of my friends.

As the pain started to flow, I focused on the presence of my fiends, for the next 15 minutes I could literally feel the pain flow out of me through the hands placed on me. A helpful point is the ability, when on lsd, slip between moments into infinity, this sensation was achievable with the lsa, although not as strong as lsd. Something then happened as never before.

The pain as it flowed out, turned into emotion, Floods of tears came, folowed by extreme elation. The pain had , during the attack, been significantly reduced. Making it more than managable. I became an observer of the pain rather than an victim.As the pain turned to emotion it completly left me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57110
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2007Views: 29,117
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