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High Dosage Insufflated
Citation:   Jesus H Crust. "High Dosage Insufflated: An Experience with 2C-B (exp57285)". Jan 15, 2007.

45 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
So 2 days ago I got hold of a few 2C-B capsules that I was told had 45mgs apiece. That night I took one on an empty stomach and smoked a couple joints on the come up. After about an hour and a half I was peaking. The visuals were fairly intense but not intrusive (I had to stare at something for a second or two before it started flowing and geometric patterns appeared swirling. I experienced a color shift in my vision and lights and colors seemed more vivid. Over all it was easy and fun experience.

[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

So the next night I decide to snort one of the capsules, so I broke it open getting prepared for what I was told was one of the most painful things you can put up your nose. Holy shit that stuff burned so bad. I didn't have a watch and I realize now that my time perception was way off but the come up was very quick (peaking in under 20 minutes). Every thing started moving and street turned into a deep raging river of molten asphalt (100 times more intense than the film of plasma I see covering the street on shrooms) The only comparable experience Ive had would be a 600 mic LSD trip I took. My head was clear enough for me to keep from freaking out but I felt an almost overwhelming fear of going insane and not being able to control my actions.

I then became terrified at the idea that I'm a single individual out in this big world alone responsible for my own life. I felt very isolated. I was able to hold a brief rational conversation despite the world swirling out of control around me. It eventually became so overwhelming that I found a place to lay down and try to chill out. After a couple hours I was still tripping but not as hard and it became a more pleasant experience. Next time I think Ill just snort half or a third or the capsule. Its not that it was a bad trip just difficult and over whelming at some points.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57285
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2007Views: 12,633
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2C-B (52) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5)

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