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The Good and The Bad
Citation:   mike2w. "The Good and The Bad: An Experience with 2C-I (exp57655)". Erowid.org. May 2, 2007. erowid.org/exp/57655

20 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
I will begin this report with stating my psychoactive drug use activity. I am 15 and a half. I started using drugs when I was 14. Marijuana is the only drug that I have used up until the begining of October 2006, which I started taking pharm painkillers like oxycodone and coedine. This 2ci experience was my first true experience with having a trip.

I have spent about 3 months researching 2ci. I highly reccomend that you fully research the substance before you take it.

November 19th 2006 is the date that we ended up taking the 2ci.
My friends (B and L) are present at my friend's house (B's). My friend B and I each have 1 capsule filled with about 20 mg of 2ci. My other friend L was 'babysitting' us for the trip. We are both very excited to take the 2ci since it is the first time we both tripped. The night prior we all smoked about 4-5 bowls of strong marijuana. When we woke up the next morning at around 10 am we were still feeling minor effects of the marijuana we smoked that night. We do not eat breakfast.

Tripping Location: A cozy basement/apartment in my friend B's house.

11 am. t: 00.00 We take the 2ci capsules with 3 sips of tap water and watch t.v. anxiously and excitedly and wait for the effects of the 2ci to kick in.

t: 00.15 Within the first 15 minutes I feel a slight body euphoria creeping up on me. I get up and begin to walk around the room. I ask if my friend B is feeling it but he states that he does not.

t: 00.30 I notice a change in lighting, as if it would suddenly get brighter then change back to the same lighting as before. Also, if I would look at something without staring at it, it would blurr out of vision unless I refocused my eyes on it.

t: 01.00 I am deffinately noticing the effects by this time. I find it hard to focus on anything because it keeps shifting. While looking at something the lighting would become brighter and darker on and off.

t: 02.00 By this time I am tripping pretty hard. Everything is magnificent. Also, it seems as if everything is alive and breathing as well. I find it hard to communicate thouroghly. My friend L is on the computer playing games and B and I are watching him. I find it hard to see because the computer screen keeps moving all over the place and its blurry.

t: 02.15 At this time my friend L sets us up with videos on the internet about a man that is an alcoholic and has tourettes. These videos are hilarious and I cannot stop laughing. I laugh so hard that I start crying.

t: 02.30 Everything has a certain humor to it. It seems that I can see the underlying meaning to everything. There are basic things that I noticed controlled my psyche that affect me: Happiness, Fear, Humor, and Sadness. Although I didn't feel any of the negative things just yet. I go to the bathroom because I wanted to look in the mirror. I was horrified at what I saw! I saw a veined/wrinkled/weathered dead face in the mirror (this is not how I look). I was mystified however, so I was there for quite a while. Each time I refocused on the mirror I would start anew with a completely different face. I thought of monsters and became scared but quickly snapped out of this fear controlled mind state by that my friends B and L came up to check on me.

t: 03.00 My friend L is hungry, even though B and I aren't at all. In order to get food we must go upstairs (where B's dad is, not knowing what we are doing). I am horrified at this idea of going upstairs facing a parent so I stay downstairs while my friends B and L go up to scrounge for food. They come down with 2 slices of pizza and a few packets of oriental ramen. They heat up the pizza which they both eat (I dont have any). Then L heats up the ramen (I do not like ramen). They dish out the ramen in 3 cups. I try to eat but I simply cannot bring myself to do this so I give my cup to L.

t: 03.30 I am back at the mirror. I am addicted. I feel as though the mirror itself was a drug and that I am a drug addict.

t: 04.00 L and B come to pry me away from the mirror. Only problem is that they come carrying really big knives. I freak out and jump in the shower. I suddenly feel like I am in a movie running from two knife-toting monsters. They think that scaring me with knives is funny. L then turns on the shower. I get kinda wet but I dont care. I then feel really pissed at them since I have been torn away from my mirror. They then somehow scare me again. I run outside in the cold with bare feet, I run around the yard and slip and fall somewhere. I dont mind, as long as I am away from those hooligans.

t: 04.15 I notice the beauty of nature and I take up a leaf to show B and L. I am no longer mad. I find them sitting at the door to the basement semi-worried maybe. I show them and my friend B (who is not tripping as hard as I am) sees it too and we both begin to look around. He sees the buds of a tree and we stare in amazement at them. I break one off and put it in my pocket.

t: 04.20 I sit down, B goes off to explore his apartment more thoroughly. L is laying down on the blowup matress. I show him my leaf and he grabs it. Thinking that it is funny he states he is going to rip the leaf. I love that leaf. In response I throw a bin of rubberbands at him. It breaks and rubberbands are everywhere. They look like worms. L hands me a portable mirror and I lay down with my leaf and look at it with the mirror. Very nice images.

t: 04.25 I go off and find B who is looking in the mirror. We then explore the apartment together. We go in a room with a closet I stay while he goes into another room. I crawl into the closet and study the breathing of the walls. Everything feels really really good, not in a sexual way but just plain good.

t: 04.30 B comes back and sits down across from me. He admires teh walls as well.

t: 04.40 L comes to investigate why we are gone. He finds us and B gets up to see him. They then shut the door to the closet. It was wonderful for some reason to be in the closet. B then comes in and L shuts us both in. L then says we are in another place, we somehow believe him. We then come up to the conclusion that this closet is magical and it's a portal somehow and we dont really know how to use it yet.

t: 05.00 L is in the bathroom. During this short amount of time. B finds another large knife in the apartment kitchen and asks why im in his house. I am really confused. L then comes to my rescue and throws a wicker basket at B (hahahah). B drops to the floor and has his head down and is whimpering. I am really scared that he stabbed himself since he had the knife in his hand. He is ok though. He has a small cut on his nose that is slightly bleeding.

t: 05.15 We all decide to make prank calls and let L do the talking. This is funny.

t: 05.35 We are chilling in his basement just talking and basically enjoying doing nothing. I notice the visuals are starting to calm down yet my intense body euphoria remains.

t: 06.00 I sense a headache (I have common migranes, about 1 or 2 a week) but cannot feel it yet.

t: 06.30 Oh shit! I forgot about how my mom told me to call her! I go outside to find a voicemail at 4:27 pm telling me to call her (sounded annoyed). I call her and she is mad, she states that she's coming to pick me up. I am all of a sudden really depressed and think of my whole experience as over. My mood lightens though

t: 06.45 My mom is here, I say goodbye to L and B. The ride home was ackward, the outside traffic and lights were looking amazing however I wasnt having any visuals.

t: 06.55 We arrive home. I am nervous around my family. I have an awful taste in my mouth.

t: 07.00 My migrane kicks up and instantly multiplies by what seems like 1000. Dinner is on the table yet I cannot bring myself to eat it. My dad gives me 3 pills of advil. I go to lay down in my bed. However, after about 10 minutes I feel violently ill and rush to the bathroom. I puke about 5 times and then dry heave about 4 times.

t: 07.20 I take a shower, when I emerge I feel slightly better.

t: 07.40 I go to eat dinner, I had a couple moments where I felt like I was going to puke but I didnt luckily. I successfully got all of my dinner down (steak, potatoes, corn, and milk) while watching the simpsons. That lightenend my mood and I felt my migrane starting to lift.

t: 08.00 I feel drained of all energy and go to bed. It feels like I cannot get to sleep.

The whole night I felt as if I was awake and I couldn't get any sleep. The next morning I had a small headache. I said to my mom to call me in sick as I had no desire to go to school. All day I had that slight headache, a hangover possibly, I was also pretty depressed.

This whole experience was a strange but wonderful one. I have a great respect for drugs now and know from experience that drugs can pick you up but also drop you.

My advice if you are considering taking this drug is do not forget to keep taking in fluids and also to eat food! Do not push it just because you feel as though you are not hungry.

My friend B's only comedown sideaffects were that he was really depressed. No physical sideaffects were noted for him.

Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57655
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2007Views: 8,317
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Guides / Sitters (39), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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