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Magical Fairy Dust
Citation:   Bitty Boom. "Magical Fairy Dust: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp58110)". Erowid.org. Sep 16, 2007. erowid.org/exp/58110

4.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I was at a music festival this summer, and was approached by a cute little hippie girl who asked me if I wanted to buy some mushrooms. I said ‘Oh really, may I take a gander?’ So she hands me the sack, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had never seen anything like these before. I had in the past ingested mushrooms at least a good 20 times, so I knew what I was doing, or at least I thought I did.

These mushrooms were BEATUIFUL! They had white powder all over the stems, no shake in the bag, and there were these little sparkly squares, probably about 3 mm by 3mm big embedded all throughout the caps and stems. The caps were completely closed, and they were the softest mushrooms I had ever felt. Most times, from other bags I have purchased, they stink, are brown, and usually the bag has a few stems, caps, and a bunch of shake. I came to discover later these magical mushrooms are usually pretty rare except for at shows. Obviously I didn't know what I was doing.

So I decide to purchase them. I knew they were going to be a once in a lifetime purchase, so I had to, there really was no choice. The girl warned me, however, she said ‘Now I would be careful with those if I were you. My friend is back at my campsite and she’s in another world right now and she only ate half an eighth.’ Right then and there was my warning sign, and I didn’t take it! Most times, I would only ingest about one gram, get a little buzz on, have a little fun, and be done. However, my friend and I had eaten an eighth each about 2 weeks prior, tripped out, and had a blast, so I thought I could handle it.

I go and sit in my tent and start muchin’ down with my girlfriend, and I consumed the entire eighth, which the little hippie girl said it weighed 4 grams, not the usual 3.5. They tasted wonderful and I hate mushrooms! They were soft, not crunchy like every other time, and I enjoyed eating them very much honestly. Our camp was right by the campground stage, so we smoked a bowl, and off we went to partake in the night time activities.

We arrive at the stage and start dancin’, when not even twenty minutes later, the tired, I want to sleep, feeling hits me. It hits me so hard that I tell my friend we need to sit down. So we go over by the fence, and at the time I was wearing a beautiful tie-dye dress I had bought earlier that day, and was it ever dancing for me! I had never had mushrooms hit me so quickly, it kind of scared me honestly because I knew I was in for it. Next a cute boy comes running up, with ice blue eyes and beautiful long dread locks and asked me if I wanted to see his art work. It, at the time, was amazing! There were vivid colors everywhere, swirling in and out of one another, and they were also starting to come off the canvas at me.

At this point, I was feeling supremely nauseous, so I had to get up to go try to puke. Well, I come to find out, I can’t really walk. So I crawl over and away from people, and I try to throw up, but nothing comes up. By this time it’s kind of starting to scare me because I had never experienced anything like this. I could hardly stand, crawl, sit, do anything really. I was restless and scared, which is the worst thing to be while on mushrooms. Eventually my friend and I find our way back to the campsite, but no more than an hour could have passed by this time, and I was tripping ferociously.

My dress was flowing and coming up at me and moving in and out and it was also sinking into the ground. I remember sitting at my campsite, looking at my friend, and I said ‘We are in for a long, long, hard trip. I’ll see you in the morning.’ This was the last completely coherent thought I had for probably a good six hours, but I’m still not quite sure on time frames. I then got up, and tried to scurry off into the woods to puke again because my stomach was KILLING me, but to no avail. Gagged and dry heaved a bunch, however, they were obviously in my system, I was doomed, and I knew it. I eventually stagger back to the campsite and my friend suggested we go and sit in our tent, and at the time it sounded like a pretty good idea. The main stages of the music festival weren’t opened yet, so 60,000 people were down by all the tents running around screaming and listening to crazy music.

I remember crawling in the tent feeling like I was floating while entering. My personality was completely different. I didn’t even feel like myself, or that I was myself even. Reality at this point vanished. I remember lying down in the tent on my back and looking up at the ceiling of the tent and it was moving up and down along to the beat of the music, the sides of the tent were caving in and out, and everything was spinning. I then closed my eyes and listened. The music playing sounded like Primus, but not quite. I tossed and turned for I don’t know how long because my stomach felt like it was being pulled outside of my body and being twisted around itself over, and over, and over.

I remember turning on my side and looking at my friend and she was sinking into the ground with her sleeping bag coming up around her, the tent walls were swallowing her, and all during this I was above everything. I felt as if I was looking at her from the same level, but not, and I felt as if she were a good thirty feet from me being pulled away by the monster tent which was swallowing her, but she was lying right next to me. I turned on my back and the grass came up and swallowed me, all the while the tent was still breathing to the beat of the music.

I remember having horrific nightmares and coming in and out of consciousness and there is a huge portion of the trip I don’t even know what happened honestly. At one point my friend asked me if I wanted to go outside the tent, and I screamed ‘F*** NO!’ at her. I still to this day can’t believe I said that to her. I then had to strip my dress off because I thought my body was going to explode from overheating. There I lay, in my tent, naked, tripping balls on mushrooms, listening to psychedelic live music, having people constantly running by and hitting my tent, and I thought I was going to die.

I remember waking up from a nightmare and sitting up, looking around and I felt like a rabid animal. The only way I could judge that time was passing was because when I would wake up from my nightmares, I would look at the moon through the screen of my tent and it was at a different position every time. I have never been so frightened by a drug in my life, and again, I honestly was convinced I was going to die.

The last time I woke up, I was done tripping. I still felt very hazy, things around me were still moving a little, and colors were spectacular, but it was infinitely less intense as compared to earlier. I then got out of my tent, smoked a bowl, met some other crazy boy, and went on another adventure, as if the mushrooms weren't enough.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58110
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 16, 2007Views: 5,672
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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