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Unexplainable / Life Changing Forever
Citation:   James Face. "Unexplainable / Life Changing Forever: An Experience with MDMA (exp60185)". Dec 9, 2020.

  repeated oral MDMA
I had never taken any drugs before. Very into extreme sports and adreneline rush. Pitt Graduate 4 years, work 50+ hours a week.

A friend one night said lets go out. I have not seen since high school. I was 25 and only have been drunk before. He asked if I wanted X. I said yea why not. I was so scared because of all the negativity about drugs that I almost did not take. I was sitting down in this Club for about 45 minutes. Then it happened. It all changed my life forever. Words cannot describe what I was feeling. To me this was a very spiritual awaking. Again, it is an undescribable experience. I ended up taking 3 pills my first night and was up until 1:00 the next day. I wanted to tell everyone I knew about my experience but right away everyone thought that I was crazy and didn't want to hear about it. That it is too hard of a drug. All of these people did Coke/ LSD etc but X ate your brain.

I can say I have off and on ate over 2000 pills in 7 years. I will only roll every couple weeks anymore but have no problem eating 8-10 pills in a night. I always give myself a lot of recovery time. I exercise all the time, eat well and rarely feel side effects more than a day or 2. I feel I don't suffer bad because I do not eat pills like a use to. I did do it 3-4 times a week for a couple of years. It wore on me fast like this. I can't do this.

I did do them way too much for a few years and it became an addiction and less fulfilling. Now when I take them it is as wonderful every time as the 1st.

Trying to Describe:
Its like I just had an orgasm/ very relaxed, excited, heart racing, sweating, but a feeling of release. Very sensual, all my senses are extremely heightened. The release is like everything bad is lifted along with all my thoughts about people. I'm not jealous, I don't care about money, material things do not matter. I have a feeling of clarity. I look at the world as if I were in heaven. Time is standing still and everything is at a certain peace. I come to peace with myself and others around me

Again, I will never stop rolling. I may continue to do less and less but I will always roll a couple times of a year. It lets me see whats really important in life, LOVE. It has been one of the best experiences I can possibly have. Only a few things made me feel better. Getting married to my awesome wife and the day my daughter was born. Well also being with both of them every day.

By the way, just so anyone out their things I'm crazy I am. But I own my own business for 10 years, make north of 300K per year. Live in a $650,000 house in Pittsburgh.

Exp Year: 1999-2007ExpID: 60185
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Dec 9, 2020Views: 727
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MDMA (3) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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