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Only Remember A Little Bit
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Blurred. "Only Remember A Little Bit: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp6026)". Feb 8, 2002.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
I've always wanted to try shrooms, so when the opportunity came up, I had to jump on it. I live in an area where it's pretty hard to get shrooms- they only come around every few months. So I bought a bunch and got together with my girlfriend and two friends. We were at my house, so the location was comfortable. I read that this was very important. I also read that a good positive attitude was important. So we all did our best to stay happy the few days before d-day.

D-day came. We measured out around 1.5g for each of us. I wish I had used a better scale, because I think that I might have gotten more (like 2-2.5.)

After smoking a few bowls to chill out and get the munchies, we were ready to shroom!

We put them on a peanut butter sandwich with honey and chowed down. The honey was a big help. I was told that they taste and smell like shit, but this was from a person who hated NORMAL fungi. They were so dry that they didn't really smell like anything, let alone taste bad. All I knew was that the pot wanted me to eat the yummy honey and peanut butter sandwich.

I've read a lot of bad things about these types of drugs, and plenty of stories (on this site even) about people going nuts from one trip. So needless to say I was DAMN nervous, despite my positive mood.

It only took 20 minutes for me to start feeling it. The drapes started to flow. I pointed this out to my companions, and they just laughed. I started describing everything that was happening, and they told me to be quiet.

(Note: most of this is but a very vague memory. I have trouble remembering dreams, and most of this felt like a dream.)

For whatever reason, tears started to come out. Just as I was starting to peak, my friends felt their onset.

I got pretty upset and my girlfriend led me to my room. I lay on the bed and started salivating on myself. I couldn't even talk -- all that would come out is moans. I remember simply wanting it all to go away.

It was like each and every part of my brain was thinking in overdrive. Every aspect of life was being processed at once. I thought of myself as millions of atoms. I looked up at my clock and couldn't understand the concept of counting. Nothing made sense.. it was horrible. I called my girlfriend in and she lay down with me. She turned the lights out.

Big fucking mistake. My brain was going 1000mph and demanded things to process. So what happened when we took away all the cool shit to look at?

All kinds of crazy thoughts. GF summed it up when after 20 minutes she sat up and said 'I think I just went to another dimension.'

After that everything was fine. We joined my friend and concluded that 'you make your own reality. we should be celebrating!'

Life couldn't have been better- we all were in some sort of europhoric happy-ville. Things looked neat. I remember looking at some art book and loving it, but that's about it. The rest of what I remember is very small fragments -- My dog looking like a painting, the TV being in 3d, the walls flowing and breathing. Lots of cool visuals!

But that's about it. I don't even remember having sex. :(

I think the first half of my trip was bad because I was the first one in. Nobody there had ever done it before, so they really didn't know what to say to me when I was freaking out. The peak was REALLY overwhelming..information overload. I had definitely lost all control to the trip and sat in the back of the bus. 6 hours went by after my peak and I only remember maybe a collective minute of it.

We DID smoke some more, though. I do remember that. I forget a lot when I'm stoned, so I'm betting that's what did it. (That's something to consider when thinking about having a first trip. I definitely recommend NOT doing any other drugs.)

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6026
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2002Views: 8,520
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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