Wait... This Isn't Acid
DOC, Alcohol & Cannabis
by mase
Citation:   mase. "Wait... This Isn't Acid: An Experience with DOC, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp60669)". Erowid.org. Dec 16, 2007. erowid.org/exp/60669

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
  1 oral DOC (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]

At the end of 2006 an unexpected source popped up with some some so called acid. It seemed strange that a guy whom usually sells blow, weed and pharms would even have L. Wether or not we were skeptic, my friends and I knew we were gonna try it.

We took the blotter over to my girlfriends appartment to try it out.

As soon as the blotter was on my tounge my suspicions were even greater, because I had never ate acid so bitter. A taste almost like copper.

About 45 minutes after eating the blotter and smoking some buds with everyone I could feel the eerie body high creeping up my back and patterns in the wall and carpet became more graphic.

Colors are very vivid and the lights seem to be becomming brighter.

Soon we grow weary of sitting in a small apartment and we decide to take a walk, we couldent have been outside long before everything started to happen. A couple of my friends had stepped in dog shit while we were walking, and when we all figured out what had happened hysteric laughter ensued.

We were all rolling around in the street laughing like crazy people when someone thought if sober people saw us, we might freak them out.

We went back inside probably an hour and a half after we first took the doses. By this point were all tripping pretty hard, and we decide to all start drawing. This went on for hours. The way the colors seemed to pour out of the pastel was so beautiful and amazing. Everything seemed to be flowing together.

After some time spent with the crayons, it seemed that the drugs had shifted gears. All of the free flowing lines I was drawing in the beginning were looking more and more like the scribbles of some kindergardener. I felt very tense and I kept breaking the crayons in half when I would try to hold them.

When I got up and stopped drawing it seemed that everyone was in the same boat as me. The coloring had become to much so we just layed around listening to music. I could see the waves of sound comming from the speakers and hitting objects, wich then started to sway to the music. After dancing around the apartment with blankets tied to us like capes, we continnued to lay around the place for quite a while. And eventually felt like we were starting to come down. The rest of the trip lasted for some of the next day. Everyone agreed that we were still feeling something pretty much all the next day.

The DOC was a strange experience much like LSD can be. It took me deep into my mind... Which can be really enjoyable or quite scary.

On a similar note, there is (at least in the south east) a lot of DOC being sold as LSD on Alex Grey blotter paper.

This shit is powerful!!! A kid near me was hospitalized when he ate 4 doses. Be careful!!!!!

Safe journeys.
Peace and love...

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2007Views: 13,506
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DOC (357) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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