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First Prophetic Experience
Citation:   Incarnate. "First Prophetic Experience: An Experience with Cannabis (exp60690)". Jun 7, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I’m 18 still in high school and just started smoking a few months ago. My first two or three experiences with bud, I didn't feel a thing, as most commonly seen. I've never smoked anything before aside from messing around with cinnamon sticks with a friend of mine. I tried smoking on May 5th, 2006. I was a little tipsy at my friend’s house. He wasn’t home so I was drinking with my best friend and the cousin of my friend whose house I was at. She (my friends’ cousin) told me she was picking up a sack later that night and I was totally down to try some marijuana with the persuasion of some alcohol. We eventually got some and broke out the 3 foot bong. I took 1 or 2 fat rips but didn’t know how 2 inhale so got nothing out of it.

A few months later my friend, who I’ll call mike, started smoking, I saw him and couldn’t understand what was going though his mind as he walked around the driveway excited and giggling about nothing. I decided I wanted to see what it was like. I tried it for my 3rd time at my girlfriend’s house. She was having a couple of our friends sleeping over and we took out a bong. I hit that thing hard, and tried to clear it but forgot to take out the bowl. I exhaled and took out the bowl and cleared it. I held it for a few seconds and exhaled due to a coughing fit. The coughing wouldn’t go away so I went to the bathroom and spit to relieve some of the burning. 15 minutes passed and I was starting to feel better, I stood up from my hunched position over the sink and all of a sudden the marijuana hit me like a ton of bricks. I froze, I started feeling the sensation of falling through the ground, it was fun, I liked it, I was on a rollercoaster in my body. My girlfriend who was sitting next to me this whole time asked me if I was alright, all I could do was smile and stutter trying to explain what I was feeling. I skipped back in the room where all my friends were with the biggest smile on my face. The rest of the night was a blur of falling through the bed when I was laying on it, falling though the floor whenever I stopped walking, and eating peanut butter and fruit loops and jack in the box. That night was one of the best nights of my high school life.

Now, months later, I smoke about 1-3 times a week during weekends trying to be as responsible as I can while still having fun. My first prophetic experience with marijuana begins here. Since I began smoking I have forever longed for those classic moments you hear about people summarizing life, the earth, and life beyond death in amazingly deep quotes. I had yet to think deeply and become one with myself while under the influence of marijuana. Last night my time had come, I smoked with a few of my work buddies at one of their houses. It was a slightly odd setting being I was the only guy there in a room full of bi/lesbian women. Most guys would kill to be in that situation but it is a lot different than first imagined. We lit up in one of their cars after making a food run to a local Mexican joint. I got first greens on the small 1 foot bong we had considering it was my bud and I was smoking out 4 other people. We all smoked about 3 or 4 bowls and I could tell I was starting to feel it. We eventually went back inside the house and ate and sat around and talked while one couple was flirting on the ground. We finished eating and were sitting around just talking and somehow the subject of time came up. It was like a light bulb lit up inside me, I could feel warmth in my chest as I realized I was taping into my inner self and began to elaborate on the subject of time. I said what I felt and what I had thought about before. I continued to speak about how time is so fleeting and you have to make the most out of every second because you will never get that second back, how people shouldn’t fight or make enemies because it is a waste of precious time that you can never take another chance at.

After a few minutes of discussing our feelings and deepest thoughts on time, the subject shifted to space and the concept of infinite space. We delved deeper into our thoughts and feelings as the night went on. I left with a sense of oneness with myself and kept it till I laid my head on my pillow.


Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60690
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 621
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Various (28)

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