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Absolute Magic
by kid
Citation:   kid. "Absolute Magic: An Experience with LSD (exp61081)". Mar 8, 2010.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Setting: An outdoor dance party on top of a hill, about an hour away from home.

People: Two close friends, also on substances (not LSD) Friendly ravers, hippies who were also very friendly.

The rave I attended (Stardust) was known for it's friendly people, tending to be under the influence of substances. Just about everyone there was on substances, whether it be mushrooms, LSD, BZP pills or whatever, Everyone was a mess. A good, friendly, natural mess.

(T+0:00) Approximately 9:30pm. Ate my apricot I had obtained the day before. It was tried, and the friend I had obtained it from had stated he had it in his car for a week.

(Please note: I am experienced with LSD myself, and have dosed several times, with various blotters consumed of different potentcy levels)

(T+00:45) I felt the gradual up-coming I had previously experienced on LSD. I felt very happy, as it had been a while since I had taken a trip, and was feeling quite good about it. The night before, I had little sleep though, as the same two friends that are attending this rave with me and I had taken a prescription drug by the name of DHC (Not 100% sure on this), and spent most the night awake in hysterical laughter.

(T+01:30) (Note, after this, complete loss of time co-ordination) I was feeling the trip, and very intensely. I had never had acid like this, I felt very good though, and was laughing at everything. One of my friends and I had ventured to the 'Chill-out Tent' and sat in there for a while, laughing our ass off at the funny patterns on the floor, the people around us talking about what seemed completely stupid, yet they were probably in the same state of mind as us. When they dimmed the light in this tent, we proceeded to leave as quickly as possible. We greeted our other friend who was still in the car. He was querying over the fact that a parked car with it's hazard lights on near us was not in fact a car, it was a spaceship. All three of us came to the general conclusion it was a spaceship, as near it we saw several people walk past with glow-sticks covering their body. This was a very laughing matter to us, as it concluded how fucked up we really were. We decided to venture to the other musical zones at the rave, as the drum and bass stage was only playing shitty breaks music, which none of us enjoyed.

We made it to the psytrance zone. We sat on a fence, and laughed at the what we called 'Mushroom Heads' who were attempting to dance to psytrance, but looked more like they were just swinging their arms slowly. Usually, I enjoy psytrance when I am sober, but the state of mind I was in, I would rather of taken the piss out of everything and anything not related to drum and bass.

At one point of the night, stupidly, my friend Pat spent $5 of my friends money on a glowstick. Alan and I were EXTREMELY hungry, so I thought as a joke to attempt to refund the glowstick to the mini-shop they had set up at the rave. I went to the shop and promptly stated: 'Yeah, Hi, Ahh, My friend took a shitload of acid, and hes fucking out, and he kinda took my wallet and spent my last $5 on buying this glowstick which I really dont want, and the money was to buy my tea.' The lady running the stall was so wasted herself she actually refunded it. I hadn't laughed so hard for ages, this was so funny to me.

At around midnight, we heard the breaks DJ come off, and a mile of clapping. I was un-sure if this was appreciaton that the DJ did a good set, or more the fact that all the drum and bass fiends were stoked he was leaving and a decent DJ came on. I ran full speed to the dancefloor, so I wasn't to miss the openeing track. Lucky I did.

Subfocus - Special Place

Oh what a track. How brilliant. What more of an intro to a drum and bass set than...

'Most of us have a special place we like to visit, because we actually feel good being there. What we hear in that place, has alot to do with it. If the sounds are soothing, our muscles relax, our pulse rate drops. We feel at peace. All too often though, when we listen to great music, we settle for sound thats only... average. What music needs, is full deep bass to give it warmth.'

This made my night. This one track opening the set. I loved the track since Ram Records released it. A brilliant job, I knew this DJ was going to be hot.

After an hour or so of good dancing with some other friends from another town I had met to great songs I knew very well (that always makes my night) I ventured back to the car, thinking I was hovering over the long wet grass, as I could not see my feet moving beneath it.

We decided to go for a drive. Usually, I don't drive at all. I don't have my license, or anything. I can't drive a manual at all. Until tonight. What thought overcame my two friends to actually let me drive his manual car, on acid, up a very dangerous gravel road with a cliff on one side. This was one of the most fun experiences of my life.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

We drove every now and then for the rest of the night, sometimes with me standing on the roof. Even though we were only moving at around 10kph, I still knew this was a silly and immature idea, but it was still amazingly fun. My friend at one stage also lost my ipod in the middle of a massive grass paddock, and then found it (Don't ask me how). I proceeded to drive back to the rave, steering the car with my teeth. We laughed at how stupid this was, yet fun.

But anyway, back at the rave, my friend Pat (He was on BZP himself) decided he wasnt leaving the car, so we left him there. I persuaded my other friend (Alan) to join me on the dance-floor, and after much persuasion, he joined me. At this stage, I was having very vivd hallucinations, and hysterical laughter followed every stupid story I told.

The laser light on the dance floor was amazing, and my friend Alan, opposite to what he thought, was having the time of his life. He couldn't stop dancing, like myself. We danced for hours.

Daylight came, and the music stopped. The DJ walked out and shook my hand, and asked my name. He said he was amazed at my stamina to dance for so long. I was myself also. I am a smoker, and half the time was dancing with a cigarette in my hand. The comments from fellow raved made me feel very good about myself like: 'Woah, these kids are insane! Look at those two!' and 'Fuck, I wish I could dance like that'. I was a very happy chappy.

After this, we drove home, and prompted to sleep. I woke up at 7am on monday morning, ready for school, feeling good about myself and refreshed. Great acid, great raves, and great people surrounding me. A good weekend indeed.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61081
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2010Views: 4,858
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LSD (2) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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