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Disappointing But Relaxing
Citation:   T_$torm. "Disappointing But Relaxing: An Experience with Heroin (exp61236)". Erowid.org. Nov 21, 2017. erowid.org/exp/61236

2 lines insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
I have been experimenting with drugs in the last two years. I started by smoking marijuana the summer of my senior year, but since that day have tried vicodin and DXM. I have always told myself that I would never try heroine, crack, or meth. I was however ready to try cocaine. A co-worker of mine had told me before that he could get me some blow whenever I wanted. One day he came up to me and whispered that he was selling some blow (I now realize that I had misheard him.) I figured I was bored and ready so I gave him the $25 he asked for and he went outside on a break to get my stuff. He came back at the end of work and handed me a small folded up packet of paper. It was at that moment that I realized what I had actually bought.

I clenched it in my fist and walked home. Once I got home I figured I had already spent the money I might as well see what the big deal was. I took out the powder and put two lines on the table. I snorted one line per nose. I waited about 15 minuets before I felt a small muscle relaxation. I didn't really get a high feeling just more relaxed. It kinda felt like taking a Valium. I was very upset with the whole experience and felt kinda cheated. I decided to lay down and watch some T.V. Soon I had fallen into a real sleepy feeling. I was still awake at the time but very dreamy as well. I then got an instant message from a friend of mine and snapped right back to attention. Overall I would say the experience was a real let-down. My brother in-law was at one time addicted to heroine and pain pills and he had always made them feel so great. I have now tried both pain pills and heroine and neither one gave me a feeling I really enjoyed.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61236
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 21, 2017Views: 1,851
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Heroin (27) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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