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Couldn't Feel Anything
Citation:   funluvor. "Couldn't Feel Anything: An Experience with Codeine (exp6131)". Feb 14, 2002.

6 tablets oral Codeine
A few months ago I had severe internal pains in my stomach area, so my doctor perscribed codeine (NOT the type with tylenol). Some of my friends enjoyed getting high, for lack of better word, off of it so I decided to give it a try, especially since i was allowed to take it.

I was supposed to take one pill per day for pain, but the morning I did this, I took six. Whoa. I headed out for school and as I got out of my car I felt as if I couldnt walk. My legs were completly numb and so was most of my body. I got inside of the school and some of my friends noticed I wasnt the same person as usual. I had been out of school and in the hospital so they figured that I was just still a little sick.

Finally it was time for classes to start and it was a nightmare trying to find my class. I couldnt concentrate, let alone see straight. I had the feeling of complete drunkness, only I HAD to pay attention and try to figure out what was going on, for I was in school.

I was enjoying my feeling, because it was sooo relaxing and I couldnt feel ANYTHING. I took my codeine a few more times until the perscription and run out.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 6131
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 13,669
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Codeine (14) : General (1), School (35)

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