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Crying Over Spilled Beer - Then Thankful For It
Citation:   PukeStorm. "Crying Over Spilled Beer - Then Thankful For It: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp61725)". Jan 10, 2018.

40 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  80 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
    inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  80 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
[Erowid Note: The doses described in this report are potentially life threatening. The amount taken is beyond a heavy dose and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Doses such as this have been known to cause hospitalizations and/or deaths. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I recently had the opportunity to experiment with Oxycontin. The experience started around 5:00pm when I sniffed up 40mg, half of an 80mg pill, and commenced to fall into the warm feeling of opiate numbness. This feeling sufficed for a while, but adhering to my tendency to abuse drugs instead of enjoying them, I sniffed up another 80mg pill.

At this point things got a little crazy, I remember going on a drugged out bike ride, bought a can of whipped cream and inhaled the nitrous. I also purchased a 40 oz of beer and commenced to break the bottle without consuming any of the beer. At this point I was angry that I had spilled the beer, but now I am glad I didn't drink, I probably saved my liver a little grief. As I returned home, think I sat around and watched some t.v. I should have called it a night and slipped into the warm and comforting feeling that surrounded my body and mind. Obviously my mind was not comforted enough because I had to inhale another 40mg half a pill, and a little later the final 40mgs.

Thus I had consumed 200mg in a day, way too much for me. I used to take Oxycontin a lot, and could say I was moderately addicted and tolerant, but I can't ever remember taking this much of the drug.

At this time, around 10:00pm I am so drugged and delusional, I begin singing and blabbering on about stupid grandiose, almost demented gibberish. I can't remember any emotions besides a euphoria that went beyond happy, but was instead an insane glee. I remember trying to explain to someone that I won the lottery for a million dollars, I thought it was funny I guess.

Soon the initial feeling of euphoria gave way to EXTREME NAUSEA!. This was not a normal upset stomach, I must have puked at least 50 times over the course of 2 hours. I can remember evacuating each meal I had eaten, In the exact order in which they had been consumed, from a Chinese chicken salad to bean burritos, and finally, disgustingly pure bile. I don't ever want to have that experience again, talk about disgusting. Interspersed with the food vomit was water that I was constantly drinking to sooth my stomach. When I was completely empty I actually fell into a contented state. I felt at ease and was floating from place to place on a blissful high.

The scary thing was that I didn't really care that I had gone through hell to get to this peaceful state. I didn't sleep the whole night but instead fluttered in and out of consciousness, awakening to itchy bliss and slipping into warm oblivion, with not a conscious thought to be had. I woke up the next day still feeling the effects of the drug and felt them for the remainder of the next day. It is the third day after now and I have been extremely agitated today. I am aware of opiate withdrawal, and I believe I am feeling an intense, and hopefully short lived reaction to so much of this powerful opiate. In conclusion 200mg was way to much and I am angry because I wanted to keep some for the next day, and instead confined to recuperation from a body shock that I didn't want.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61725
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2018Views: 1,310
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Oxycodone (176) : Various (28), General (1)

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