Three-Day Journal, Ending With Forestland
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   redworm. "Three-Day Journal, Ending With Forestland: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp6258)". Feb 18, 2002.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
Here's a journal of my 3 day salvia experimentation:

Experiment 1 - Late night, Friday...
The first time was with 3 other people and my experience after smoking a bowl in 3 large hits wasn't too amazing, but it was definately working. Felt VERY high, my body was numb and I had mild closed-eye visual distortions. Felt an extreme sensation of being pulled to one side, as if being yanked from my body. I think I was too distracted by the presence of the others to go any further.

Experiment 2 - Mid afternoon Saturday...
Curiosity hightened by the awesome experiences of my friends the night before (time travel to ancient rome, little goblins forcing one of them to do yoga) I was motivated to devote serious attention to my next experience. Several hours before go time I cleaned my room up and took a shower. I made a point of not eating anything since I woke up to ensure that my body was somewhat clean, though it probably wasn't necessary.
I smoked a large bowl's worth in two giant hits and lay back on the bed. The first thing I noticed was the sense that somone was telling me I was going to be taken away. 'We're gonna get ya', 'Yeah lets get him!' 'We're comin for ya!'. I wasn't hearing voices per say, it was more like telepathic communication from an alien (alien meaning unknown to me) consciousness.

The walls began to buldge and distort as my room disolved from quaint 20th century log house into giant plant leaves. My legs started to feel like they were being wrapped up in leaves or vines. That's when I stood up and the hallucinations started to wear off. I wandered around my house in delerium for about 2 minutes saying 'No, NO I don't want to go' and then laid down until I felt ok again. After that smoking another hit was the last thing on my mind. Don't get me wrong, I was scared, terrified even, but I attribute that to my inexperience. So for those of you looking to try it, I'd recommend having a sitter present when experiencing Salvia for the first time. If you do it alone, be careful and be prepared, as the experience can be unexpectedly powerful no matter how much research you've done or what your mindset may be. Take precautions to set your pipe down before spacing out to avoid burns or fires.

side note:
Words can't really describe the visual hallucinations I was having, but 'giant plant leaves' was the best I could come up with.

Experiment 3 - Later in the evening, Saturday...
Smoked 3/4ths of a bowl in one hit, set the pipe down and lay back. Effects were much more mild this time, more like my first experiment. Residual anxiety from my previous, more intense trip forced me to forgoe taking that last hit.

Experiment 4 - Early-Mid afternoon, Sunday...
After doing some internet reading about Salvia ceremonies I packed up insence, sage, salvia, and cannabis and headed out for a little jaunt into the forest. Picked a spot under a tree in a secluded grove and proceeded to light the incense as an offering of respect. (Hey, it can't hurt.) I then 'smudged' the area with sage to ward off any unwanted entities that might sneak their way in to my astral consciousness on the trip.
Took a mintue to breathe and relax, then finished a large bowl's worth in 2 big hits. After the second hit I leaned back against the tree and closed my eyes. It came on quick, but I was ready this time. Immediately I was sucked into the reality of the forest entity in which my body was located. I was experiencing the same reality as the forest but from an objective point of view. It was as though Gaia was showing me just how beautiful our planet really is. It was a nature lover's nirvana and I had front row seats. She was dancing beautifully with the wind and conveying a message of love and comfort. STRONG feminine presence here.

After a minute or so of Forestland I felt myself being pulled back and opened my eyes. I immediately packed another bowl and took another monster hit. I closed my eyes and before I could exhale I was there again. I 'saw' the whole body of the forest moving, swiring in bright colorful motion. I understood that the aboveground trees and foliage were wise old women, merely parts of the infinitely elaborate head dress of an ageless multidimensional Goddess entitiy who exuded a message of hope and comfort across all time. The landscape swirled around and enveloped my astral body in warmth and light, slowly coiling around my torso and beckoning me further. I felt the pulling sensation again and consensus reality faded back in. The forest was ringing with energy for a long time afterwards and I was intensely satisfied. Smoking a few bowls of cannabis helped me reflect on the experience.

After these experiences I've decided to make Salvia a regular part of my consciousness exploration practices. Iit has tremendous capacity for teaching the user about themselves. Remember, this plant is VERY powerful when it works and can not really be compared to LSD, Mushrooms, or any other substance I've used. Explore carefully!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6258
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2002Views: 11,509
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11), Entities / Beings (37)

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