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Who Said an Overdose Was a Bad Thing?
Citation:   J Dollar Sign. "Who Said an Overdose Was a Bad Thing?: An Experience with 2C-E (exp62882)". Erowid.org. Jun 21, 2007. erowid.org/exp/62882

10 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
Being someone who avidly tries substances for many different reasons, jumped with joy after hearing a buddy of mine had acquired 2 grams of this substance from some Canadian lab or something like that. Since me and a couple of friends where the only ones who had ever heard of this substance before, he was going to give us some for free to try. Which he gave us roughly 100 mgs capsulated into 10 mg increments.

I started of by dissolving 15mgs into a bottle of water, which only gave he some nausea. The second trial was insufflating 10mgs, which gave two things
1. A feeling like I had been hit in the nose with a baseball bat
2. The notoriously awful body load.

At this point I'm really starting to question whether I had been screwed or not. The only thing that kept hope is that many people had broken through on less than me and had some really far out experiences.

So the following weekend, I had one of those real enlightening 'fuck it' type breakthroughs and did what Terrence McKenna would describe to be a heroic dose of 30 mg up the old snooter. This turns out to be nothing more that mild tripping compared to what happened a month later.

After a month of nothing I decide to trip 10mg one night in my room, planning that I would be sleeping by 2 at the latest and up for school at 7. Well I don't know what happened but I instantly knew this trip would be different.

I line up 10mg and snort it. My eyes feel like they rolled back in my head and I fall onto my bed. I immediately regret what I had done and feared death. After five minutes I was sweating like crazy and couldn't stand the nausea or body load. At ten minutes I feel the purge coming on and run to the bathroom. The walk to the bathroom is very difficult and the walls were shaking and seemed very alien to me. While I was hugging the toilet puking, I started to trip very hard. I was certain that death was just around the corner.

I spend about another ten minutes in the bathroom regainingg myself and decide that it would be a good idea to regain myself by laying down. I always feel safer covered up laying down. I could not regulate my body heat at all and figured that this was the signs of an overdose. For the next 45 minutes I fight of terrible ideas of death.

I loop Franklins Tower by the Grateful Dead to take me to some happy place. To my surprise this works very well. The song plays out in my mind and I feel sunshine on my face. I decide to stop laying down and sit up and see where this can take me.

I would like to say that even when my mind was in better shape, I still felt the body load which was still very unpleasant. But aside from that I feel immense joy and the need to communicate with other human beings. So I sign on to AIM and talk to my partner in crime. He tells me that I'm the only person that can manage to ramble over the internet. I then decide that it was time for some personal discovery and log off.

By now I'm sitting in the middle of my bed with my legs folded meditating. This is one of my fondest experiences on any sort of psychedelic. I feel the world's energy flowing through me and it makes me feel complete bliss. After awhile I stop and lay back down.

The visuals never got very exciting, just a lot of breathing and bulging walls. Some lines would wave with vibration. But I close my eyes and see a giant cockroach walking across my vision. Typically I hate them and would have been terrified. Except I understood that this one was important. It made me feel like there is things that were here before me and will continue on after I'm gone.

After all of that I just watch T.V. for about 2 hours until I can finally sleep. This may sound lame, but I have never got as much enjoyment from T.V. in my life. The programs seemed to be about me and almost performed right there in my own T.V. The point is it was a very nice to come down.

When it all trailed off, I finally got some sleep. The next morning (only 4 hours later) I felt very light headed, and in general out of it. Any sort of mental activity required a lot of effort. Which was wonderful considering I had to spend the day at school.

Overall I think this was a great experience, and a great substance. I do think that it was maybe a bad batch which gave me the irregularity in amounts and quality of trips. I also believe that my final encounter was definitely an overdose, in the sense that it was just way to much unexpectedly.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62882
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2007Views: 6,679
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2C-E (137) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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