Chunks Ahoy
Ecstasy (PMA?)
Citation:   Bunny. "Chunks Ahoy: An Experience with Ecstasy (PMA?) (exp6292)". Apr 17, 2001.

1 tablet oral PMA (pill / tablet)
I bought what I thought was E off of what I thought was a reliable source. I popped the little yellow emoticon stamped pill and went off to have a good time. Later, my friend came up to me and told me he had gone and had his pill (of the same 'brand') tested, and that it was negative for speed and MDA/MDMA, which I found funny, cuz I was definatly feeling _something_, about 45 mins after popping. I shrugged it off, thinking that it had just been a bad test. Within 30 minutes, I was puking. Now, I have never puked off of an E trip. I've had slight cases of mild nausea, but I've got a stomach or iron when it comes to this type of thing, but here I was, puking behind a couch, where i stood and in the bathroom. After puking in random spurts for about 45 minutes to an hour, I was feeling somewhat better, despite the odd gagging fit. However, I felt like I had eaten 5 bowls of chili and was about to loose control of my bowls, and while I never did, the feeling was obviously unpleasant. I suppose the worst part of this little mishap was the muscle spasms. Around the same time I was puking, which was about hour and a half after dosing, i had very extreme muscle spasma, mainly in my legs, which continued almost all night, making dancing uncomfortable and seemingliy 'heavy' on my legs. My hamstrings felt like they were going to snap. I sat down and constantly stretched, crossed and uncrossed my legs for over an hour, and flexed my arms. Combined with the puking, gagging, and heavy breathing, I basically sat on the couch all night, as dancing just was not my top priority.

A day later (still feeling jittery and tired and like I'd run a marathon) the same friend who tested the pill contacted me. Because of the reaction I'd had, he'd crushed up his pill to test it again with a tsting kit. He still did not find MDMA or Speed. SO he had gotten a different kit. One that tested for PMA and the likes. He had gotten a minor result for PMA. Given the fact that I'm anemic and did have a reaction, with no results pointing to MDA/MDMA or speed like substances, all signs point to PMA. Luckily, I only did one pill. The only really amusing thing that came out of this little 'trip' was that later in the night, I turned around after hearing noises from behind the couch in the chill room I was in, and found two people in the process of having sex in my puke. I warned them I had puked there. They said they were aware and that they were avoiding it, and then told me to go away, as i was 'ruining the moment'.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6292
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2001Views: 22,022
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PMA (126) : What Was in That? (26), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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