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Doesn't Effect Concentration, Yet Makes Me Very Humble
Citation:   Cacao. "Doesn't Effect Concentration, Yet Makes Me Very Humble: An Experience with Cacao (exp63123)". May 30, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 4.5 Tbsp oral Cacao (liquid)
Cacoa and Warm Milk!

First off, I have been away from drugs for some time now!! I have used only regular amounts of alcohol in the past couple of years and felt that maybe I could get a natural buzz of sorts off of something that wasn't adverse for your health.

I noticed a Cacao plant in the entrance page to a website and, seeing how I didn't know what it was, I clicked on it! I ended up reading all about its properties and thus. That of yummy chocolate and was in disbelief.

I decided to take a gander, and eventually, after contemplating if 6 dollars would be better spent on gas or something of more importance, I figured a box of baking cacao (chocolate) could come in handy down the road anyhow.

I went to the supermarket, and picked up a box of cacao out of the baking needs aisle, (near the brownies and stuff) and some other types of baking chocolate bars for future attempts.

Once I made it home, I poured about twice the recommended amount of the cacao powder into a cup (4-5tbsp) and added cold milk so it was basically sludgy. At this point, I warmed about half a glass of milk on the stove in a sauce pan, till it was 'warm' to touch... At this time I added it to the sludge and mixed well. I added maybe the amount of sugar one would to a cup of coffee, mixed and then added a generous amount of LIGHT cream.

Once it was finished, I had about 16oz worth of chocolate delight. My brother convinced me to let him have a taste, so I gave him an oz or two in a separate cup. At this time, I was sipping on the concoction for about 10 minutes, when I was urged to go out, so, instead of leaving my precious drink behind, I CHUGGED IT. About 10 oz of it right down the tube.

I was in the car with my brother, while I noticed about 15 minutes into the ride, cars seemed to be going a lot faster than normal, and I noticed that when we accelerated, it felt unusual, but fun. As I should have stated earlier, I had about 2 beers about an hour before I drank the Latte, and figured it had nothing to do with it.

By the time our joy cruise was over, about 50 miles and an hour later, I was feeling normal again. The only thing I can compare it to, is a stimulant of some sort, that doesn't effect concentration, yet makes me very humble. After I was sure that I had actually had an experience of sorts, I vowed to try it again, ASAP. For it was a natural, bunch of relaxation that should be enjoyed.

And might I add, I never understood why people were called 'chocoholics' but now I think I do. Also, Dark, unsweetened chocolate, after research shows signs of benefits to the skin and the caffeine is good for the mind in way of memory. Either way, I hope to try this out again on a nice warm, clear sunny summers day!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63123
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2018Views: 4,326
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