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The Quest for Pain Relief
Barbiturates (Butalbital), Codeine & Caffeine
Citation:   Chronic Pain Boy. "The Quest for Pain Relief: An Experience with Barbiturates (Butalbital), Codeine & Caffeine (exp63700)". Nov 15, 2007.

180 mg oral Codeine (extract)
  300 mg oral Barbiturates (extract)
  240 mg oral Caffeine (extract)
Just a little background: I've had chronic pain for about 6 months, and nothing but opioids have worked for me. I've dabbled with hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorpone, morphine, tramadol(basically sugar pill compared to everything else), once a small amount of codeine (negligible effect, And that's all for opioids. For non-opioids, just butalbital,pregabalin, DXM, diphenhydramine, and dimenhydrinate. All of those (sans the OTCs and the hydrocodone, which was also my dad's and I used during a pain crisis, were presribed to me in the last 6 months).

My love of opioids began when I was 13 and tried my very first pill: percocet (hell of a drug to start out with, especially for a 13 year old) and I knew I was in love. I subsequently proceeded to use the rest, seeing as my parent had long forgotten there were still some left. I recently considered cold water extraction, so I decided to try it with the 6 fioricet w/ codeine pills I had gotten from the ER yesterday when I went in for a migraine I've been on this at least 3 times in the past (and it has done nothing) so I decided to try cold water extraction to get the acetaminophen out so I could take a larger dose in hopes of some pain relief.

+0:00: Ingested bitter cold water extraction mix.

+0:010: Feeling the codeine and possibly some butalbital coming on, got a pleasant buzz going and of course the beginnings of the warmth associated with opiates.

+0:20: Definite opioid feelings of warmth and a slight euphoria, although I am not a big fan of what I am assuming to be the butalbital feelings, my head is very foggy. Inserted a 25mg promethazine suppository about now, this should increase the efficacy of the codeine and help with any nausea or itchiness that might occur. Finding it a little bit hard to type, not because of disorientation but because of how clouded my brain feels. Naturally a little bit tired after not sleeping last night due to pain. Haven't noticed any caffeine effects as of yet. Slight pain reduction :) although not much euphoria :(

+0:40 Not much has changed, just laying down listening to music, feeling essentially the same. Still just very mild euphoria, but that's codeine I guess, mild.

+1:00 Not much has changed so far, head is slightly less cloudy though :)

+1:35 Still nothing, pain is basically at its average of 5 1/2 of possible 10, feeling a bit more alert, possibly the caffeine?

+2:00 Pretty much nothing. I feel like I wasted 45 minutes on the whole extraction process. Oh well.

+2:05 Starting to feel the come down effects, not too bad.

+3:10 Wow, over so soon.

My overall review of codeine is although I've heard it's a good starter opioid, it doesn't really do the others justice, anesthetically or euphorically. I'd recommend it only if you have a mild headache or just feel like getting a bit of a buzz.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63700
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2007Views: 42,857
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Codeine (14), Barbiturates (210) : Medical Use (47), General (1), Alone (16)

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