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Walk With the Lights
Citation:   Justice. "Walk With the Lights: An Experience with 2C-B (exp64370)". Dec 1, 2007.

24 mg   2C-B

I am a 17 year old male, who has taken 2CB once before. Last trip I was alone and new to this substance, so I was very frightened. This time, however, I gathered my thoughts on what I'd be doing all night and what to do if trouble occurred. To start off, I got all the things necessary for my trip pre-gathered. I grabbed all black clothes with black tennis shoes. (This was so I could go for a walk in the night without being noticed.) I also got my iPod fully charged with a very good play list set up so I'd have something to listen to while out. Before I went for my walk I pre-decided where I'd go and where I'd run if danger occurred (cops). I also bought a 1 liter bottle of water from a gas station (to stay hydrated). I also brought a black hoodie and wrapped it around my waist to wear if I got cold. Oh I also brought a FULL pack of gum because I experience a jaw chattering effect whilst on 2CB. After I got back from my walk, I planned to meditate (I heard it is very enlightening).

Weather Climate:
Michigan/Summer/80.1 F

Note: While on 2CB it is very normal to feel cold. I put on a sweatshirt but you must remember that you may only think your cold even though you could be very warm. So be careful!


Ok, now this is going to be a little difficult because I’m recounting what I’ve done whilst still on. So I started off my trip with a walk. I went out my basement door trying to be as quiet as possible. I went out towards a park near my house to keep shelter from prying eyes. Well as I was walking through the park, I noticed A LOT of fire flies. I was amazed by their beauty, just floating around. I just wanted to stare for hours, but no, I was off on a journey to walk to nowhere. So I pressed on. Well I always found myself paranoid at ANY light, thinking that it might be a cop or neighbor seeing ME, knowing what I’M on. It could be a street lamp or just a light within a house that would startle me. Scared shitless I pressed on. To make a side note, I would always see flickers of light in every direction. I was never sure of what they were or if they even existed. I also saw a lot of objects morph into other things. (Ex: Rock into a wolf, mailbox into a person, etc.)

Well you really don’t have anything to worry about until the cops show. Right? Well as I was walking down a street in my neighborhood I caught the attention of some headlight. Fuck I thought. Shit, what should I do? So I decided to play it off as normal, I mean it was only like 12:30AM. The guy may just think I’m walking home. Well it got closer until it was almost at a crawl next to me. Now I’m still trying to act as normal (FUBAR) as possible and this car is just gnawing at me. I’m just about to run, when, it pulls into the driveway 2 feet behind me. Oh come on. That was a HOLY SHIT moment and it really messed with my mind. Well I look back at the car and just walk away. I mean hopefully they’ll just leave me alone and let me finish my walk to nowhere. Well an hour and four miles later I ended up home with this little story. Along with a bunch more stories about how I think I might be being followed by people who know what I’m on and doing. (I know, hard to follow.) In the back of my mind it felt like imaginary people devised a little conspiracy to tell my parents all the “naughty” stuff I’ve been doing. (ALL THIS SHIT GOES THROUGH MY HEAD.)

Well now I’m home. Its 2:07AM and I still have a lot of trip left in me.

So now I find myself lying back listening to music because there is nothing left to do. Now I’m just really bored.

-Remember kids. Boredom is the first step back to relapse- Clerk II

With the dizzy movement of images (unable to tell what is there) while my eyes are closed, I find it hard to do just about anything. While on 2CB I notice how I'm more in touch with all my body. Not in a weird way, but more of an “I know what’s going on' kind of way. Well I start gaining a better understanding of my body and what it likes and dislikes. I start looking at my body as being its own entity. In a sober state of mind I’d say my conscience is trying to make me feel guilty for abusing my body with such a chemical. But I have never taken such a strong stand as this.

After getting bored trying to discover myself, I decided to go online and watch some cartoons. The time was about 3:20AM and I assume I was either coming down or just finishing up my trip. Well now I was really bored. So I watched Animaniacs and Freakizoid until I was able to fall asleep at about 5:00AM. I know it sounds funny to watch cartoons but I found it best to revert to cartoons that you loved in order to ease the comedown. Reversion to your childhood can usually bring back positive thoughts and memories. This I found made it easier to go to sleep. The next morning, I suffered no hangover affects other than being tired. (I had a lack of sleep because I had work at 1PM the next morning.)

Altogether I found my trip a lot of fun and a great way to see new things from a different perspective.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64370
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2007Views: 5,234
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2C-B (52) : Alone (16), General (1)

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