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What I Live For
Citation:   Mikeal. "What I Live For: An Experience with Cannabis (exp64538)". Erowid.org. Apr 24, 2010. erowid.org/exp/64538

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (dried)
I looked at the clock, and felt that it was time to go. I made a final check to make sure my friend's parents were snug in their beds. Sure enough, I was in the clear. As I climbed out the window, I knew that climbing back in wasn't going to be so easy. My friend and I made it out to the car and drove to a less populated area. Once there, we rolled down the back windows and turned on the cab light. I then spent a good 10 minutes packing the finest bowl that I could. I'm a very easy bake, so 3 good hits is normally all I take before I stop. Tonight, however, I was going to finish this bowl with my friend and I made that pledge to myself. I had a new policy. If I have to ask if I need more, the answer is Yes.

I put the pipe to my lips, the smell of the herb sending a chill down my spine...I lived for this feeling. I then proceeded to light up and before I knew it, the bowl was half gone, my lungs burning from the preceding hits. How long had we been smoking? I looked around the car, noticing it was filled with smoke. This caught me as funny, and the next thing I knew, I was in a silent laughing fit. We cashed the bowl, sprayed some ozium, and made a quick check to make sure everything was cleaned up. We then drove into town just to kill some time and listen to a little bit of music. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

As I drove, I felt captivated by the music as I usually do. This time was a bit different, though. I was no longer driving the car, but the car was pulling me through space. Yes. That was it. I was moving through space. Not driving on a road, but moving through space. I was no more a part of the earth, than the earth is a part of our solar system. I was an object, independent from those around me. I had felt like this before, but never so strongly. It was upon realizing this, that I felt the force of gravity pulling me down. It was a pleasant feeling...The next thing I knew, we were back at my friend's house. Feeling slightly disappointed, I sprayed one more spray of ozium and told my friend to get ready. We both knew that upon exiting the car, we were going to have to face the world. The moment was as epic as they come. Unfortunately, from the outside world, we were just feeling around for the door handles. We finally managed to get out of the car, and walked back over to the window. Damn window. How did I know that this was going to be a hassle?

My friend made it inside with apparent ease, giving me hope for myself. I put my hands on the base of the window and used what little strength I had in my wobbly arms to pull myself in. I ended up scraping a few layers of skin off my thumb, which seemed to bleed forever. Damn window. My friend then got on his computer and was lost to Counterstrike, so I needed to entertain myself. What better way to entertain myself than to play the original Super Mario Bros.

As expected, I kicked ass. In fact, I was kicking so much ass that, unfortunately, I died on the first level because time ran out. Man, and I thought I was going too quickly. Level 1-2 must have been a breeze, seeing as I don't remember playing it. I then warped to 4-1, and rather than killing everything in my path, I realized that these creatures meant me no harm, and I just stuck to avoiding them through the rest of the level. I then found myself at 8-1. What is it with me and having no recollection of playing the underground levels? I stumbled through 8-1 and 8-2 and got to 8-3. In 8-3, I engaged in several epic battles with the hammer brothers...and got my ass kicked. I stared at the 'game over' screen for about 30 seconds and then realized that I didn't know where I was. I looked around and realized I was still at my friend's house.

I watched him play counterstrike for a few moments, and made a mental note of how damn good he was. I saw his brain shifting through gears, monitoring every pixel on the screen. I saw his reflexes fly off the charts. I saw how dumb I looked staring, transfixed on the computer screen and snapped out of it. Wait....I snapped out of it? I needed more, I told myself. I climbed out of the window once more, packed another bowl, and smoked it myself. Oh, the sweet sensation. I went back inside, and used some Rhoto V for my eyes. It was the best sensation my eyes have ever felt. I could see my eyes dancing beneath the coat of ice that the eye drops had put over them. Wait, I could see my own eyes?

This threw me into another laughing fit. Where did this come from? I'm not this high am I? Did I just smoke again? Oh well, nothing matters now. Then I felt it....the rumbling. Shit, I had the munchies. I went to his kitchen, found a bag of tortilla chips, brought them back in the room and munched away. My friend started playing DJ Shadow in the background and, once again, I was entranced by the beauty of music. I saw all sorts of closed eye visuals that can only be described as abstract art and nothing more. Once I opened my eyes, they caught a hold of something. The case for 'Requiem for a Dream' glistened from across the room. I had never seen it before, and figured that now was the time. By far one of my top movies of all time now, and if you haven't seen it then I suggest you scroll down past a few of the spoilers I'm about to comment on.

-----start spoilers-----

When the guy's dealer got shot, and he got busted by the police, one thing went through my mind. If these drugs weren't illegal, then the black market would have never been created, meaning that the dealer would have never been shot, nor would he even be selling drugs because it isn't profitable. Making a substance illegal only creates a black market for that substance and makes it more dangerous for people to obtain it.

Then later when the grandson has to get his arm amputated, I thought to myself that if it weren't illegal and so discouraged to be a user of that drug, he would have/could have sought help long ago.

Who were these kids to go to, when the government isn't concerned about protecting their citizens, but rather prosecuting them? It was so illogical. All in all the movie really captured me and left me with a gaping feeling in my heart. Addiction really is a tragedy.

-----end spoilers----

If you had to skip the spoilers, I suggest you go watch the movie and come back to read my comments on it. The movie ended with me still coming down from my high. I looked at the clock and noticed that the numbers were illegible. The numbers just seemed to dance around, unable to be read. I was dreaming. For those of you who have seen waking life, you'll understand this reference. I then figured that the best way to wake up, would be to go to sleep in my dream. I pulled a blanket over myself and drifted into unconsciousness.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64538
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 24, 2010Views: 4,477
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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