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Voacanga Hell
Voacanga africana
Citation:   Windigo. "Voacanga Hell: An Experience with Voacanga africana (exp6459)". Apr 25, 2001.

T+ 0:00
35 seeds oral Voacanga africana (seeds)
  T+ 2:00 70 seeds oral Voacanga africana (seeds)
  T+ 6:00 150 seeds oral Voacanga africana (seeds)
T+0: 35 seeds fairly fresh - kind of tasty

T+1hr: slight acid buzz

T+2hr: 70 more seeds - getting annoyed at taste - beginnings of nausea

T+4hr: slightly more acid buzz, some nausea

T+6 hr: 150 more seeds.

T+7hr: realize I'm not going to trip. I had planned on listening to music, reading a certain book and meditating. Went to bed. Strange but pleasant dreams. Nausea and somewhat uneasy.

Next day, stomach pain. Very likely injured duodonem or below. As day went on, intense pain 2hrs after eating anything. Anti acid does not seem to help much but pepcid ac does. Next evening, took codeine and pepcid ac to sleep. Way too much pain to sleep otherwise.

2nd day. Stayed in and slept. Took codeine twice throughout day for pain. Injury definitely duodonem or below since codeine doesnt seem to cause more upset. Planned on going to doctor if doesnt clear up, but not well enough to drive.

3rd day. Merely hung over. Get to work somehow. Ate soup for lunch. By afternoon I feel pretty good. By evening fully recovered with no stomach problems at all. Strange how it just left all of a sudden.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6459
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 25, 2001Views: 26,407
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Voacanga africana (49) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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