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An Old Friend Nearly Killed Me
DXM, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   Tratt. "An Old Friend Nearly Killed Me: An Experience with DXM, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp6478)". Feb 28, 2002.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59 1 cig. smoked Tobacco (plant material)
  T+ 1:00 2.0 g oral DXM (powder / crystals)
Monday night turned into the most frightening experience of my life. As the night started, no one would have thought that the nights events would have such catastrophic repercussions. I had finished my homework, and my roommate and myself decided to go smoke some nice weed that we had got the day before. After smoking a bowl, I decided to have a cigarette. Since I don't usually smoke, this along with the weed had me pretty fucked up. As I walked inside, I decided to watch a movie. I got some of my friends together and we decided to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (an all time fav of mine). While everyone else was getting ready to watch the movie, I decided to go dose up some DXM. It is already probably an hour since I finished smoking, but boy time flies when your having fun!

Now I am no stranger to DXM. I've been using off and on for about a year. Though I have enjoyed all different kinds of doses I usually prefer the higher plateaus despite their known side effects. I poured approximately 2 grams of white powder DXM (usp grade purchased from a chemical distibutor) into a glass of water. Though this is an extremely high dose, I had done ones close to this amount before, and my last trip was not as strong as I prefer. As I chug down the glass and follow it with another of regular water, the thought crosses my mind that this is a powerful dose. Hell, I'm a veteran, this ain't nothing I can't handle. The next few minutes is filled with me drinking water, coughing, spitting, and trying to get that horrible taste out of my mouth (however not as bad as Robo!) I slowly make it up to my friends room to put on the movie. I sit in the corner of the couch, with my sunglasses on as it seems like a cool idea at the time.

As the movie progresses, the drug is taking a hold of me with quite strength. I find myself forgetting to laugh about Bat Country, and have to remind myself to laugh every now and then, since I'm in a room full of sober people, since I don't want them to know I'm fucked up. That laugh was one of the last things I remember. It is probably only a half an hour since I dosed. None of my friends thought anything was wrong, they just thought I was really in to the movie. When one of my other friends who had been drinking came in to the room, he started talking to me. When I didn't answer, they removed my sunglasses only to find me staring off into space. Apparently nothing the said or did to me could make me move. The next few hours were filled with trying to get me to talk, monitoring my vital signs, walking me around, and trying to figure out what I was on.
In my particular living quaters, drugs are not too accepted, especially DXM which I had a known problem with four months before.

Apparently at four o'clock in the morning, about for hours after smoking weed, I was taken to the emergency room. I started to phase out of my blackout about eight in the morning, though I was extremely fucked up. My friends, doctors, and my house director, were around me, along with a bunch of tubes. I was very confused, and I was not sure what I had told them, but eventually they figured out that I was on DXM. Since I am over 18, I told the doctors not to call my parents, as that would only add to my mental stress. After having a bunch of tests run, my fever recessing, and my heart rate plumetting down from the 130 beats a minute that it had been at for the previous eight hours, I was released from the hospital. Though I was still very unstable, my vision blurred, and my thought process totally fucked, I was alive.

When I got home, I made a very tough phone call to my parents. I collapsed into my bed, which brought me very unsettling sleep. Today I think back on what happened two nights ago and I am thankful to be alive. I saw a counselor today, and she helped me begin to sort out some problems. I shall be seeing many doctors like her for a while, until I can devise a game plan to keep me clean. Monday night was the worst experience of my life. As I talk to my friends today, I realize how close I came to never seeing them again. All that I hope for tomorrow, is that it will be one more day away from this nightmare, and that I shall remain clean for the rest of my days.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2002Views: 15,557
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DXM (22) : Health Problems (27), Hospital (36)

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