Violent and Aggressive
DXM & Drug Testing
by RaZr
Citation:   RaZr. "Violent and Aggressive: An Experience with DXM & Drug Testing (exp64926)". Sep 22, 2007.

2.0 g oral DXM (powder / crystals)
I realize how dumb it was to ingest this much DXM. I was 16 and scored 14 grams of pure DXM powder and was doing it pretty much daily, adding more and more each time. One night I decided I was going to the 4th plateau so I weighed out 2 grams of it and put it in a piece of toilet paper and washed it down with some iced tea.

The next thing I no I'm in a hospital bed with restraints on me and cops everywhere. Apparently I was found in the road unable to walk so they called an ambulance and when I got to the hospital I was being violent and aggressive pulling out my IV and ALMOST ripping out my catheter and lurching out at the cops around me and shit.

I tested positive for PCP and Opiates, neither of which I knowingly ingested so I wonder was this a false positive or just an impurity either way it was hard to explain that I ingested a legal substance.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 64926
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 22, 2007Views: 12,644
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DXM (22), Drug Testing (59) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hospital (36)

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