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A Hidden World
Citation:   youngblood. "A Hidden World: An Experience with Cannabis (exp65836)". Dec 5, 2021.

2 bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  2 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)

As a 16 year old in high school I was very young for my age, a late bloomer if you will. I was an athlete playing both soccer and hockey. Growing up with the DARE program I was naturally terrified of drugs and alcohol, and never considered using them. Well, things changed for me that fall during soccer season as I had my first experience with alcohol. My friend suggested stealing some from his parents liquor cabinet one night when I was spending the night. As I said before, I was terrified of drugs and on my own I would have never have thought to experiment with then. I enjoyed the alcohol, and that free uninhibited feeling, so I used it a few more times throughout the soccer season, most notably before one of the school dances. Older players on the team heard that I had began drinking, and they acted impressed, sort of a congratulatory thing.

When hockey started, a new drug was introduced, a drug that I didn’t even know a lot of kids used at my school, the drug marijuana. Over half the players smoked weed on a regular basis. I thought “wow these star athletes can smoke weed, and still perform?” I saw that pot smokers weren’t the awful people that the DARE program made them out to be, and I started secretly wanting to try it. I was scared to tell any of my friends or ask any of them if they wanted to try it with me because many of them still had anti-substance views. Well soon enough I had regular offers to smoke with a lot of older guys on the team, I was always hesitant though. One day even, in the middle of class a junior, who I played soccer with told me that he would “smoke me up, any time I wanted” right out of the blue. I had drank with him on occasion, and he was a known dealer around the kids at school. I contemplated this for a while, but never took him up on the offer because I wanted my first time to be around people who I knew fairly well, and trusted. Also, he told me that his plan would be to smoke before school, which (back then) didn’t seem like a good idea to me.

A few weeks later, a girl who I really liked, lets call her “C” asked me if I wanted to smoke with her, along with one of my hockey teammates “T”, and one of her hippie friends “M”. This sounded like a good plan to me. I really liked C, I was pretty good friends with T, and M was always friendly towards me, also these three were regular users one even a dealer, and it felt as though they were taking me under their wing. So the plan was set, we were to smoke that day after school at M’s apartment.

The three met me at the library after school, they had skipped school earlier and had already been smoking, so they were pretty high. They seemed to be having a great time, which made me feel even better about the experience to be had. We walked to M’s apartment which wasn’t far from the school, as I entered a strong odor filled my nose, which I would later discover to be the smell of marijuana smoke.

I started feeling a little bit nervous, because I didn’t know what to expect, I expressed this and M and C comforted me. They showed me how to smoke out of a glass bowl, and I took my first hit, I held in the smoke for as long as possible but started to hack and cough out of control. We smoked the rest of the bowl, and I didn’t feel anything so we smoked another. After smoking two bowls I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything felt and seemed normal. T told me that most people don’t even get high on their first time so I started to get disappointed. T saw this, and pulled out a joint of “northern lights”, explaining that this was high grade weed and that he would let me smoke it charge free since it was my first time and he wanted to get me stoned. We all took turns hitting the joint, and on my second hit I had the worst coughing fit of my life, I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I rolled over on the ground closing my eyes.

I lay on the ground for what seemed ages, and when I opened my eyes and sat up I saw things in a new perspective. The lights in the room seemed to shine at odd angles, almost as if they were coming up from the ground, also all objects and my friends took on a cartoonish look. I had the sense that I was had entered into a new realm, and that the room I was in was the only room in the whole universe, nothing outside of it existed. I closed my eyes only to see erratic patterns emerging. The only words I can use to describe how I felt are “stunned” and “enthralled”. I remember saying “you guys are up here too?” Amazed that my friends existed with me in this “new dimension”. M put on Radio head and we listened for what seemed ages, the music didn’t make sense to me, it felt powerful and sucked me into it, it made me sad, and I couldn’t understand it. It was beautiful and terrifying.

All of a sudden my mood changed as I heard a knock on the door and a man saying “M, have you been smoking pot in there?” It was M’s father, and I became panicked, because if it were my parents they would have busted through the door and raised some hell. However, M’s father is a very liberal guy and allows her to do anything she wants in her room as long as the door is shut, at the time I didn’t know that. M handled the situation, and I hid in her closet, unaware that all was well. Even after a few minutes had passed by I was still in a state of confusion. M and C could not comfort me out and they suggested that we take a walk and get a change of scenery. T decided to go home, and relax before hockey practice, which we were going to have in a few hours.

As we walked down the street, which I had walked on many times before I felt lost. The night seemed magical and I was glad to be with these two girls, I felt without them I would lose my way. We went into a local pizza shop and I was still feeling the effects of the weed. I felt amazing, as if I and the two girls I was with were harboring the worlds most important secret. I felt as though everyone else around me was synthetic and robotic. I decided to go to the bathroom, and once I was in I regained the sensation that the bathroom was the only place in the entire universe that existed. I lost my sense of time as well as all other beings and places in the universe
the bathroom was the only place in the entire universe that existed. I lost my sense of time as well as all other beings and places in the universe
. When I started washing my hands the cold water kind of jolted me, and snapped me back into reality for a few brief moments, and I then felt myself being “sucked” back into a high state of being. I left the bathroom and rejoined my friends to eat.

Later I went back to M’s apartment and waited for the high to wear off, which it did about two hours after smoking.

My first experience wasn’t necessarily positive, and most of it are extremely hazy in my memory, the parts I talked about were what I strongly remember. I remember I laughed a lot, and became very emotional at other points. The experience was eye opening and mystifying. I have smoked weed a countless number of times since then, and only a few sessions have come close in terms of being utterly stunned. Now when I smoke I have the ability to think, and I can reflect upon situations, but my first time was mystifying and unreal. All these years later it is fun to look back and think about that mind blowing experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 65836
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Dec 5, 2021Views: 477
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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