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The Laughing Shirts
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   thestupidstoner. "The Laughing Shirts: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp66331)". Jan 3, 2016.

40 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (ground / crushed)
My mom was prescribed ambien a few years ago for insomnia. Me being buzz junkie and having heard about it from my friend had to try some of these wonderful little pills. I have done it many times before this, but this time I recall as being the most 'intense'.

The night before, I had found the bottle of ambien on my mom's dresser. This was when she still trusted me not to raid her room for drugs. I had grabbed 8 pills and hid them in my stero for later use. The next night, I decided I wanted to get fucked up. I like to sniff ambien because I just about feel it instantly, and the high seems to be better phyisicly. Once I get past the horrible taste and drip, it's great. But any ways, I went down into my basement where my room is and sat down on my couch in front of the coffee table. I started to crush 2 pills on a book. Ambien is coated with some shit, and there is little flakes of coating in the powder that I just leave in there. After getting the ambien to a texture of flour, I sniffed both pills in one line. They are very small pills so this was easy besides the taste.

In a half a minute, I started to notice that every thing seemed to shine and glisten. As if every thing was being hit by sun light. The empty air around me starts to get fuzzy. I start to get numb and feel euphoric. It feels as if I am in a dream. It feels great to rub my arms on my leather couch. After about an hour and a half, these feelings start to fade away, so I decided to sniff 2 more pills. After that, things start to get blurry in a literal and non literal way. I start seeing trails when ever I look away from somthing. It apears as though little bugs are are flying around... but I only see them out of my peripherals. I hacked up a lugie and almost puked because of the taste.

So I went to my bar for a glass of water. This whole time I've been talking to my self on and off. 'Oh man' Sweet'. Commenting to my self about how great this was. At this time, I was real messed up and things are real hard to remember. I had gotten some lung butter/ambien drip on my shirt and it grossed me out, so I went into my laundry room to change my shirt. I had put a new shirt on and turned around to walk out... the piles of clothes in my laundery room apperd to be swaying. This had startled me quite a bit. It was as if my piles of clothes were alive. I could have sworn I had heard them breath. In order to comfort myself about this, I decided to confront the clothing. I had singled out a red Adidas hoody. When I got close to it, I could make out a face. Now there was no face in my hoody, my hoody does not breath. The arm of the hoody happend to be draped over the rest of it and this looked like a pair of eyes but at the time, it was very cleary a face smileing back at me, smirking at me. I was scared. I had asked the hoody why he was making faces at me. It did not say anything, but it started to laugh at me. Although there was no sound from the hoody, I could tell it was laughing. I had asked what was so funny, and got no respond except for another shit grin from the hoody.

This was starting to piss me off. I had smashed my hands into the face and threw the hoody across the laundry room. A little freaked out, i decided to go lay down and listen to some Pink Floyd. I entered my room and all the clothing on my shelf were making faces at me. I thought I was starting to lose my mind. I flung my clothes all over my room as to destroy the faces. Then hacked up flem again and puked from the taste all over my clothes. Dont remember anythinng after that. The next morning, I recall my parents waking me up. I dont rememeber waking up. I just warped into the shower. From there I warped to 1st set tech class. It seemed like I had just woken up at 8:30 in the middle of class. I was very confused. The kids at my table said that when I walked in, I looked under the weather, so the teacher had mercy on me and let me sleep.

All in all, it was a very fun expirence. Just dont over do it with this drug.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 66331
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2016Views: 2,042
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Alone (16)

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