A Beautiful Peace Came Over Me
Citation:   Annabella. "A Beautiful Peace Came Over Me: An Experience with Cannabis (exp66805)". Erowid.org. Oct 15, 2018. erowid.org/exp/66805

2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
amazing first time.

My girlfriend had been harassing me for months to smoke mota with her, and on her birthday I acquiesced. I had tried it once before and I had not gotten high, but in fact had spent the rest of the night vomiting, so I was not too excited about this.

First things first.
Oh god, it burned. I had never even smoked a cigarette before, let alone cannabis. It reminded me of the time I had been hit in the chest with a soccer ball, and had the wind knocked out of me. I was desperate for water, a coke, anything, and for a moment even the swimming pool water looked good, thankfully my girlfriend stopped me before I gulped down pool water.

For about 4-5 minutes, nothing happened. I started whining to my girlfriend that it wasn't working, and that's when it hit me. At first it felt like my hands and feet were asleep.

It was beautiful. As the high progressed and peaked (after about half an hour) I felt a beautiful peace come over me, a happiness with myself and my life I haven't had since I was a child. That feeling you get when you remember good things long since past, I felt as if I were back there, living in my beautiful memories again.

One hour. Christmases, Halloweens, birthdays when you still got presents. Climbing trees and carnival rides. When you were happy with your body, your hair, the simple things that made up your world. Sounds became louder, I become obsessed with the noise my nails make as I scratch the bedsheet, and I waste at least twenty minutes just engrossed in the sounds I can make scratching various surfaces.

Two hours. One of the strange things is how after a while, I become utterly convinced that my high has worn off, when it totally hasn't.

Three hours. The high is starting to mellow into a sleepy feeling, like downing a few glasses of wine. My coordination is shot, and I stumble around, when I do get up and move. My girlfriend laughs at me, and accuses me of being a lightweight. At this point I would describe the feeling as being lost in my own skin, as if I am watching everything and everyone from a safe place where nobody can get to me.

Despite my complete lack of physical coordination, my mind feels as if it's sped up. Words come out of my mouth before I can think them, and my mind seems to be making up for my lack of reflexes and balance. I hear my girlfriend laughing about jokes that I do not remember thinking up, they just came from my mouth, and it disturbs me a little, but not so much that I want the feeling to end. I feel smart, beautiful, clever.

Four hours. With the best of the high past, I curl up in bed and fall asleep easily, knowing that in the morning, it will all be over and I will return to my everyday life. I don't really worry about it, however. Still drugged and sleepy, all I can think about is how good now feels, and how wonderful making love is when you're not worried about what your body looks like. My body feels heavy, and my mind wanders. I fall asleep as if I am sinking into warm, dark water.

Reflections after the fact. If this were a review on epinions or ebay, I would say A++ would do business again. But it isn't, and everyone's experience is obviously different. I will however, extol the virtues for ME, of the drug mota, cannabis, mary-jane. Whatever you want to call it. Nothing will ever match my first time, and in subsequent tries, I just fall asleep, which is disappointing. But that first time will always stick with me as one beautiful night by the pool.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66805
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 15, 2018Views: 973
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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