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A Walk Towards the Fourth Door
Citation:   A. Eidnoj. "A Walk Towards the Fourth Door: An Experience with Cannabis (exp66858)". Jun 2, 2009.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
To start off, I will give some information of my drug experiences. I have done LSD 5 times, Ecstasy around 10, Mushrooms 4 or so times and medium amounts perscription drugs over the course of about 3.5 years. I recently graduated, and have been clean from all of these drugs for more than 3 months. I recently took a break from pot that lasted 3 weeks before i finally decided to smoke again, a move which has led to the most spiritual points in my life thus far. I write it down in hopes of further understanding it, or finding others who have undergone similar experiences.

It had been a while since I had last smoked, but I had done all my work, and felt the setting was right. I bolted down, and ripped four bowls with two other friends. In recent months, I have been able to hallucinate (I see elaborate colorful designs that are very detailed) when going to sleep after smoking large amounts of marijuana. I like to think of it as a form of meditation, a movie played by my unconscious that I follow at a relaxed pace. I have come to believe that this is my brain releasing DMT while I am still conscious.

This night was no exception. The start of my high was alright, though it brought back some of the depressing feelings that were a main reason for my 3 week break. It was fun in a way, but nothing special. Around 1 AM, we go to sleep. I see the colorful hallucinations as usual. I get very relaxed, though I am unable to sleep. out of these hallucinations, suddenly I see a very vivid black and white sillohuette that starts to turn to me. As I see the face, the image disappears. Something seems strange, and I am drawn back to the face, and I focus intensely. This time as it turns to me, I see the face of Ghandi. He rises and offers me his hand.

Keep in mind that I am conscious, but barely, and as of now I still dont quite know what is happening. Also keep in mind that I have never before felt a strong connection to religion or a conscious God, so the following experiences are very significant for me. I take his hand and somehow feel like this is more than just a dream. Suddenly I see an image of Siddhartha blowing on an instrument, followed by a rising Buddha, and now I begin to feel like something very strange is happening. I wonder, 'have I reached enlightenment?', then think 'no this is just my mind playing a trick on me.' and as instantly as I think this second thought, I see a striking image of Jesus raise his hand utter words I cannot understand. This hits me like a gong and at this moment I lose my skepticism and I open my mind to the possibility that these faces are actually projections of past souls. I feel as if I have stepped out of continuous time and I am straddling the entrance into some other plane.

As I am still half conscious, I realize that if these are truly souls, then they are trying to send me a message. I walk with Ghandi, and proceed to ask him what I must do. I have difficulty understanding him, but it seems as if he tries to tell me that something bad is going to happen, and I need to help.

At this point I have difficulty remembering all that happened though main points I remember were wise words that seemed to channel through me. They talked of the yin and the yang: good and evil, and the difference between the two. Good seeks to combine all into one entity so that we may all may pass into the realms of enlightenment, while the other side, evil, seeks to conquer all else. They both have the goal of creating one entity, though they sek to achieve it through different means, one side through cooperation, the other through domination.

I also saw the face of Einstein throughout the course of the night, and in the later images, his face evolved into a red devilish one. Maybe this relates to his creation of the atom bomb, a source of energy that could change the world in the right hands(a yin), or be a tool for approaching the yang, by means of mass destruction and causing fear, as it has been used for the most part this far in history.

I felt like I had walked out of time, and i could see the world as a series of repetitions, different possibilities of parallel universes. I was looking upon a small corner of all the possibilities that have arisen since the start of time. To explain what I mean by this, you must understand something else that I realized. I began to realize that every piece of matter is the same single piece of matter in a different location in 3 dimensional space. In this way, we can manipulate time, by manipulating the multiple forms of the same piece of matter, two dimensional time that we are accustomed to manipulating. On this night, I had stumbled upon the edge of a realm where manipulating 3 dimensional time in this way is possible. I could not manipulate time myself, but merely witness this potential.

Next I remember seeing a white tunnel, one that approached closer and closer and I worried that this might be the often told-of 'white light' and my passing onto the next dimension. I looked through this white tunnel, heard cheering, and saw faces I recognized among many others I did not. I felt as if they were congradulating me on finding this place. As I realized that this could possibly be the gate towards another world, I became nervous. I started to drift away, as I am not ready to 'die'. As I opened my eyes, shadows on the wall formed the outline of my parents, as if to support my feelings. Though I may be enlightened on many levels, I have many close to me that I must remain here for, and much to accomplish.

This was an extermely vivid and spiritual experience. I learned so many things, and I have probably forgotten many others. I am sorry if this was not what you were looking for in the way of Experiences, but I believe with near certainty that this experience was aided by DMT. I still am unsure of the message that Ghandi was trying to send to me, but I am keeping an eye out for any similar experiences. I realize this sounds quite strange, and I am quite confused as I write this 2 weeks later, but somtehing just keeps drawing me back to this night, and I feel that I must express it somewhere. I have begun to wonder if i might have glimpsed enlightenment, though since I was not quite ready the souls have passed on to find another. What really struck me was that many of the truths I believe were spoken to me I have since found out are also tenets of buddhism and beliefs of the Dalai Lama. Maybe others(nnamely famous religious icons) have approached this same channel, and have returned back to Earth to spread the messages. If we are ever to reach enlightenment as one, we must do our best to spread peace and understanding, and do what we can to stop evil from overpowering Earth.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66858
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2009Views: 5,173
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Cannabis (1) : Entities / Beings (37), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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