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They Really Mean It When They Say No Alcohol
Oxycodone & Alcohol - Wine
Citation:   Hwa zhu. "They Really Mean It When They Say No Alcohol: An Experience with Oxycodone & Alcohol - Wine (exp67272)". Mar 10, 2021.

T+ 0:00
5 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
So I took a 5 mg percocet, and 5 hours later had a glass of wine with my thanksgiving dinner. Well of course I knew the no-alcohol warnings, but I thought it had worn off by then. I was definantly wrong. About an hour after I had a glass of wine, I felt much more drunk than usual. I got up from the dinner table to get seconds, and then heard the loud ringing in my ears I get when I'm about to faint. I got dizzy and light headed so I squatted down. I knew I was going to faint, but I was fighting it like crazy because I didnt want my family members to think something was wrong, so my vision went blank, and gradually came back a little, but then (I kid you not) I saw my arms start convulsing. CONVULSING! Either I was having a seizure of some sort or a tremor. Either way my brain was probably extremely deprived of oxygen or something. Luckily I was hidden behind the counter when this happened. I got up and asked if I could lay down for a bit (I cant believe I could function well enough to do that but I did). My family only thought I had a headache (again thats me being lucky). So I laid there for a bit and very slowly the dizziness and ringing in my ears went away, and both were replaced with extreme nausea. Might I add that I almost NEVER get nauseous. I ate a bunch of crackers and laid on my side and eventually fought that off too. But I was shaky the rest of the night. Basically, dont even chance combining alcohol with an opiate. I cant imagine anything more stupid.

And all that was only from a prescription dosage (might I add the percocet was 2 years past the expiration date) and a single glass of wine about 5 hours later.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67272
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2021Views: 1,789
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Oxycodone (176), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Various (28)

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