Just A Morning Toke
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   'RoundMidnight. "Just A Morning Toke: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp68014)". Erowid.org. Jul 16, 2011. erowid.org/exp/68014

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I had been interested in Salvia Divinorum for some time, as I frequently saw it sitting on the shelves of local smoke shops. The legality of the drug seemed to be something of an anomaly, as I had heard many people attest to its intensely psychoactive properties. So one night, I went over to a smoke shop and bought a standardized 10x extract. I was a bit tired that night, and decided that I would get some rest and use it in the morning.

Though I had heard to use caution with the plant, and to have a sitter present, I decided that, for me, using it alone would be best. That way, I could achieve the most solitude and peace of mind, and I could really let the plant run its course without any distractions or social constraints. I feel like salvia is not a good drug to use in a social context; I don’t want people watching me intensely when I do it. The experience is highly introspective.

I had read that using a water pipe and torch lighter was the ideal way to smoke salvia. I didn’t have a water-piece on me, so I decided that, being a somewhat experienced smoker, I would be able take legitimate hits off a dry pipe. I also was using a normal lighter. This session was a way to test salvia, and to get an idea for what the plant was; I didn’t want to have an overwhelming or potentially nightmarish experience.

I filled my pipe with the extract and went into the living room. I sat on a very comfortable chair that faced an open window, took a deep breath, and decided to take a hit. The salvia ignited quickly and stayed lit, and I took the entire bowl in one hit, as is recommended with salvia. I held the hit in for about ten seconds before I exhaled.

Upon exhalation, I felt a sensation overcome my body that started in my limbs and then made its way up to my head. I felt as if my skin became prickly and my limbs started to feel heavy and even gelatinous. My eyelids became heavy and soon my entire body was overcome with a tingling, but almost scratchy sensation. My center of gravity had also been obscured. I carefully had to set the pipe down before falling back into my chair. I started to perspire, and sank back into the chair. For inexplicable reasons, I said aloud “I should have know….not you guys.”

I then went on to see two figures…one that was tall and skinny, green and white, and slightly demonic looking, and had a weird hat of some sort. The other was pink, but less defined…I cannot remember much more about this figure other than the color pink. I then felt like I had an obligation to fulfill under the scrutiny of these figures…what it was I can’t explain, but I felt like there was some sequence that I had to continue. I was about to get out of my chair and start crawling on the ground when my conscious mind kicked in and said: “You’ve just taken a hit of salvia.” That’s when my trip was broken. I was still highly uncomfortable and hot and felt greatly relieved by removing my clothing.

The whole experience lasted not more than 5 minutes, and afterwards, I felt relaxed and generally at peace with the world for another hour or two. This was highly enjoyable when compared to the immediate effects I had experienced.

With the method I used (only smoking 10x, dry pipe, normal lighter), I achieved an unexpectedly intense experience. Salvia is something that I could only imagine doing once in a blue moon, as it really is an experience that requires energy. For those who plan on taking higher extractions and smoking it more efficiently than a dry pipe; take caution and enjoy the ride. There’s no way of predicting how you may react.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2011Views: 5,148
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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