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Gregarious With Strangers
2C-T-2 & 2C-E
Citation:   Caterpillar. "Gregarious With Strangers: An Experience with 2C-T-2 & 2C-E (exp68257)". Erowid.org. Jul 14, 2017. erowid.org/exp/68257

I have used this combination a good number of times. Snorting the 2-ct-2 as the amount for an active dose is rather large, I don't prefer this method but my chem is nearly pure but borders expensive. 2c-e can be snorted, unlike many others in the series, but as it is active at around 4-5mg a 10mg oral dose does the trick.

This isn't a report on a single experience.

I find the best way to use this combo, or 2-ct-2 alone is to be physically active. It is skiing season again in my area and I get the most enjoyment from that activity.

2-ct-2 is often called a clarity psychedelic. It truly sharpens ones perception and mental ability, it also constrains the vision at higher doses, giving for me at least a tunnel or hole travel sensation. 2c-e I think is one of the most natural feeling in the series (I've done 'em all, and won't use 2c-i/b/ct-7 as they remind me of ecstasy) 2c-e is almost identical in trip to mushies, stimulating, uncontrollable, colorful.

The combination result is incredible with these two. Lucid hallucinogenic tunnels without a loss of total reality at this dose. I do have a habit of acting a bit gregarious with strangers on the lifts, but as they sell alcohol cheaply at this location I never worry about people thinking anything of it!

I have tried this in my home as well. I'm a studio potter, and find it to be a productive substance in my artistic pursuits.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68257
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2017Views: 1,240
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2C-T-2 (53), 2C-E (137) : Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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