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Kulu Castle LSD Trip
Citation:   HippyFlipper. "Kulu Castle LSD Trip: An Experience with LSD (exp68313)". Jun 18, 2014.

2 drops oral LSD (liquid)
  1 drop oral LSD (liquid)
  1 oral LSD (liquid)
This was the second and possibly last time i took LSD. I say this because i dont think any other Psychedelic or drug related experiencene could ever top this one.

Me and a few close friends went too an illegal rave in a castle in december, the people there were completely alternative, there where no idiots there trying to sell coke or anything. Obviously there were some insane people there, combining alll sorts of things and getting wasted to the point of no returjn, but there always is.

This wasnt a flaw tho. This njust enhanced the experience for me, it was incredible. WE got there early and had a few drinks, and i brought some salvia and pipe which made a few friends to start with! a couple of my mates took mdma fairly early so me and a few other mates went hunting for acid. Of course i now knpow what people mean when they say that You dont find LSD, LSD finds you. This all seemed alot like someone who had spent too much time on LSD, but it makes sense now.

If you look for it i imagine you'll find it in an uncomfortable place to take it, but if you wait and go somewhere like this, it'll be readily available. Me and my friend took too drops of liquid, which we were told was very weak (we later realised that there is no such thing)

This didnt kick in immediatly so we wwent for another drop which we bought for £5. The trip began slowly, and we had a bit of fun. There were typical wall pulses and things, and we had a dance to the awesome psy trance that they were playing. At about 10 o'clock the organisers of the rave brought us a suger cube laced with the stuff, which i was reluctant to take at first, cos i didnt wanna push it. but once my friends had taken it, i felt i wanted to be on the same level as they were.

It was strange at first becaus eit was my mates first experience with psychedelics, or any other drugs for that matter, and i felt i had the responcibility to look after her. So i sat with her in our dorm for alot of the time, talking and walking around, it was perfect, she was fine and we both said alot of things that we needed to say, i was happy here. This was what i wanted from my trip, to really sort out my head cos i was in a bad way with alcoholism, and acid alwys gives you the thinking you need to tackle your problems in the non-psychedelic realm. And it helped her i think too. We bonded that night, we went around the castle grounds and got frightened, inspired, wiser and became better friends for going through this together.

Id taken acid before, but a much lower dose. Which is why i thought i was at my peek at this point,i was wrong :)

When it really began to kick in, it became a little uncomfortable but still, there wasnt enough time to be frightened of this experience, your mind was working too quickly, there was too much to take in at the time. AT the highest point of the trip we went for a dance in the bottom room where they played the harder psychedelic stuff, and this is where i had the most perfect moment:

After dancing for a while i began some sort of ego death, in which i was omnipresent in this room full of otheres who were on the same level as i was, there was no predjudice, just an unconditional brotherhood amongst these people i didnt even speak too, these people id never met, iy was perfect. I felt out of control of myself, and that we were all one in control of eah other. Ive heard of people seeing god on acid, but i felt like i was god. It was perfect.

After this i went to the ambient room, and sat and watched the drapes hanging from the ceiling, covered in paper butterflies which moved there wings gently to the music, it was a perfect moment. The dimensions of the room where beyond comprehension, there was a girl near me juggling or something, my memory betrays me, but it was the most beautiful thing.

We then went back to the dorm, because my mdma taking friends were coming down hard, and so we all sat in the dark listening to pink floyd dark side of the moon. I had some great closed eye visuals here, the visuals just played around the song and held relevancy in them, one part i remember was watching rainbow dollar and pound signs fly by me as the song 'Money' was playing. It was fantastic. Another point i remember was listening to my friends in the bed furthest from me (They are a couple) giggling and laughing with each other, only to realise that it was just the drum beat of the song, and tha id interpreted that in my head that it was the two of them chatting. It just reminded me of how powerfully mind bending LSD is.

I know, this is just another typical trip report, but for me it was perfect. And i conclude that having a bad trip is impossible if you can just find the right place and do it with the right people. And make sure your in the right frame of mind else it could go wrong. But its also an important experience in life, to realise that there are other dimensions that your senses cannot comprehend withot lsd and psychedelics. lsd illegal? The world would be a better place if it wwas compulsary.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68313
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2014Views: 3,242
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LSD (2) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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