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A Wet Journey
MDMA, Cannabis & Beer
Citation:   DingoBingo. "A Wet Journey: An Experience with MDMA, Cannabis & Beer (exp68589)". Dec 20, 2022.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
  6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I'd never tried pure MDMA before Friday night, I'd done pills about 5 times and Coke a few more times than that. I've been a Cannabis smoker for about 4-5 years, since I was about 13. One of my mates Joeio2flow had been telling me for the past few months that I had try MDMA. So when my free house came along we decided it was time and with another 3 people (Agent Wabo, Flipper, Fugee) and all together we got 2 grams, with 1/2 gram being mine. There were others at the house who were just on XTC but they just added to the experiences.

So at around 9 oclock the night the moment finally came, we all had our lines racked up and everyone had done theirs apart from me. In honesty I was nervous about it like most first times you try a new drug and to add to that I had been ripping bongs all afternoon so I was a bit stoned paranoid. After everyone had left (the XTC people went to a rave) I got my confidence up and snorted up a line of MDMA.

Well, well, fucking well, the minute that crazy shit went up my nose my whole body felt complete, I didn't give a shit about anything for the first hour and just enjoyed the good quality conversation with people that were there. I can't even remember half the conversations we had but I remember at some point (maybe after a few more lines I don't know) we watched the new episode of the 'Two Pints of Lager' were Johnny died and everyone feeling bummed out and having another line.

All I can remember I had about 5 heart to hearts with everyone else who was on MDMA separately and all together
All I can remember I had about 5 heart to hearts with everyone else who was on MDMA separately and all together
, we all just chatted utter bollocks to each other. Only video evidence of 2 and half minutes of us having about 5 different conversations all stemming from each other can really make me remember what happened. I remember sitting down and playing Call Of Duty 4, god knows whether I was any good or not.

The funniest thing has to be at around 4-5am we all decided it would be a good idea to have showers so we could trip out at the water all over us. Everyone individually had a shower which just made everyone rush hard, including myself who spent 2 minutes in the shower having not a clue what was going on. I tell you its 10 times easier to get your clothes off than back on again on MDMA.

Early in the morning at like 10 I was still rushing and three of my mates on MDMA left to get weed to another town and I was left with Flipper, who did his last line at about 11 am. I still had a massive line left at about 1 oclock so I decided to do it then and believe me this was huge. I was a goner and when my mate asked me to get him fags from the shop, well lets just say that wasn't happening.

For the next day every time I ripped a cone I'd come back up and when I went the pub the next night and got pissed, well I was gone all over again. MDMA is truely so much better than pills, the feeling is so much cleaner. Everything is awesome I loved every minute of it, and wouldn't trade the experience for anything.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 20, 2022Views: 292
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MDMA (3), Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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