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I Cant Stop Shivering
Citation:   Hypnotika. "I Cant Stop Shivering: An Experience with 2C-E (exp68704)". Mar 5, 2008.

T+ 0:00
8.0 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:15 2 hits smoked Cannabis  
Hello all- this is my first trip report, as it is the first experience i have had that that i consider outstanding (as well as out of the ordinary) to the point that it is worth sharing with other members of the 'experiences' community. 2c-e is one of the more common penethylamines from what i've read, but i never expected to come across any of them in my lifetime. When a friend invited me to a hefty dose of 2c-e on a quiet saturday afternoon, i was excited to say the least. I won't bore you with my personal history or experience with other mundane drugs so i'll just skip to the good stuff. I didn't keep a trip report but i will do my best to explain it all to you over a reasonable time line.

T -2.0 hours: I pick up 3 pills to split with my friends from the source (which ironicaly enough turns out to be a close friend who i will call D at this time). He is sick and staying at home, so he couldnt join us for the day. I head to my friends house. At this time i start chain smoking cigars, inhaling them to pump my brain full of nicotine. I honestly forgot the science but i had the crazy idea in my head that it would boost the trip and prevent seratonin syndrome (i read it somewhere but considering the wealth of garbage on internet I would be lieing to say i was 100% certain it would do anything at all to boost me.)

T 0:00: after 3 cigars to my name and some handiwork with a razor and credit card, we get the 2c-e split into roughly four 8 mg doses. My friends take theirs oraly, and I (having a bit of experience under my belt) insuflate mine to have a quicker onset and deeper level of penethylamine high. Since D cut it with a decent amount of sugar, I have to say the horrible burn i read so much about was minor to say the least (maybe i just got a nose of steel).

T+0:05: The room is filled with anime posters and cages with animals (some with red heat lamps). I figured it would act fast nasaly so I thought i was in to be let down for the afternoon, as i was seeing nothing and feeling little. Someone asks me a question and i start giggling as if i was thinking about something totaly different (not out of character for me). Everyone else thought i was higher than i was- but i really was let down.

T+0:15 my host (a girl from my old school) breaks out the bud (all i remember hearing is that it was REALLY good bud). I heard marijuana had good synergy with 2c-e so i accept the offer and take two hits from the bowl as it got passed around. The instant i inhale a big hit and hold it in, a wave sweeps across the room and i instantaly feel the most unusual (and slightly overwhelming) buzz from within my soul. I blow out the smoke and just say 'enough... whoa......' I really wish i had just one word to desribe what i was feeling, but i honestly don't think there is a word for a high of this magnitude. It wasn't that it was intense (yet), it was just that the feeling was very pronounced, very sudden, and a tiny bit alien. I procede to zone out for a while.

T +0:45 I still just feel like i was extremely high on marijuana- but there is something very new. None of the traditional sluggishness was there. At that point in time i caught myself thinking 'wouldnt it be great if this turned in to a striaght up 4-way make out fest' but i shrugged it off and started playing with her dove. I would bob my head and it would bob back- it was a fun bird. I still have that wild body high but its a bit less awckward and alien now, and goes unnoticed that it is increasing slowly.

It is still light outside (around 3:30 PM) and i tell them im gonna go out to my car to get my mp3 player for some music (hooking it up to speakers). I was so let down about the visuals until this point, but when i opened the door, all i could say was 'wow...' Everything was just plain off. It all had that shimmery effect of your eyelashes jusst coming in teh way of a light, creating a bizarre halo- only the halo had no source. All i could see was a VERY subtle gradiant over everything, i just can't put it into words. It seemed fine at the time like i wasn't tripping but now that i look back i was tripping HARD. I was still very adept with my thought processes (i coulda aced a math test, although my writing mighta been bizarre...) I get the music and come back.

T +1:00 I totaly forgot why i went to car and am back in room (with mp3 player in pocket though). Just then i hear a door and my heart rate increases a bit, but i am realxed to hear its her brother (and that he knows everything) so i return to just enjoying the red light over her moniter lizard. Just then he comes in, and he is liek a 15 year old kid with long hair all in his eyes and a bleached blonde swoosh, and he starts asking us 'dude gimme a bud THIS big' holding up his fingers. I get anxious. I have never smoked or tripped with anyone before, and am VERY good at just enjoying life for what it is, despite the intensity of a trip. I never get anxious on weed or anything. These youngsters freaked me out. I went out to den to watch tv, but i couldnt figure out how to turn it on. a few minutes later the other guy with us comes out and says 'dude you all right?' and i feel better to hear that he is dropping the brother off at mall and then coming back alone.

T +1:15: This is where the story gets good- and i mean REALLY good. I am alone with these two girls and they are jsut talking about drugs. this goes on for what im certain wasn't long now (seemd like forever then). I had been silent on floor jsut watching animals then i say THATS IT- stop talking about drugs. Sure i think weed is alright with a conservative now and then puff, but enough is enough! I told them they just needed to live a bit and go somewhere, and not get hung up on the path they took.

After that we sit there quiet for a few seconds taring at each other- and i start to giggle. Then i break silence with 'music!' and pull out my mp3 player. This is where things start to intensify. I am holding my mp3 player out and my fingers start to shake side to side. I couldnt hold the thing still. The body high i had forgotten about was still growing and fast. Just as i get it turned on and set to some of my fav electronic disco tracks from the 80s, my teeth and arms start to shiver too. Everyone is watching me having a grand old time. just as my head starts to shake they ask if i'm all right. All i manage to get out though stuttered horrendously was 'i'm ok... ive heard some people shiver... call D!'

While they are doin it i tell them 'i'm freakin out' and they look concerned and i manage to express with with body language that it was still quite enjoyable. They hand me phone and i honestly don't remember what i said to him, but i do know that after i hung up the girls said 'that musta made his day'. The shivering is now out of control. My eyes keep shaking. Then 'cheri cheri lady' by modern talking starts in with the high pitched vocals, and those visuals i had forgotten about since my trip to car come back to my mind once again (even though they were right there all along just unnoticed). The visuals were as subtle as a brick to the face could be, but when i remembered they were there i realized they were MUCH stronger.

T+1:45: Oh my god! i am shaking horribley and look like ive been peeing on high tension power lines for a good 30 minutes. I haven't said a word in about 15 minutes and have been communicating with gestures. They stopped asking if i'm alright a while ago as each time my response was a stuttered 'yy-y-y-essss' with a thumbs up. I break the silence with a giggle. I finaly manage to get out 'ceiling fan!' turn it off! and after its off the stuttering stops considerabley. The room got kinda hot and smelled liek incense, and i have sensitive eyes so i managed to get out with my reaquired speech a request for tea, and then she introduces me to apple green tea (a new all time fav thanks to how refreshed i felt).

Just as i get some water in my body (hadn't had any in like 4 hours- even after cigars!) The visuals! though more or less static, my colors were all off. Everything was this pinkish orange with muffled white regions. It wasn't actualy a solid visualization and i didnt really have much creative insight. I closed my eyes and still saw the same un movingpattern. It was like i had glasses on with a big blob. I was a bit let down as i had more creative visuals when i smoked bud and jsut closed my eyes to dream, but this color thing was FAR more intense. Even then, though the trip was becoming more comfortable, the visuals were increasing. At this point i dont know if it was my brain or my muscles but all i could see was moving all over the place.

T +2:15 i am stuttering much less but still my teeth and fingers chatter. i turn off the music as i am in mood for an open window (yet stupidme i never tell them i want it open), but the visuals i mentioned not moving- yea, they start to move... The colors at this point i am used to being off start changing with my shaking vision. I slowly stop shivering and come to grips that the jerky movements in my field of vision are the result of my mind and not my muscles. This is wher ei got creative! i asked for paper to draw and failed miserabley, so i threw it out and jsut decided to talk.

I felt liek all i could see was on some television screen and i could almost imagine the circuitry required to make it do what i was seeing (I am an electrical engineering major at a college in my home town.) Things wouldnt focus or register in my mind- the visuals were too strong. all i would see is the jerky after product as it melted into peripheral vision extremely fast. Let me say this- i am a very energetic creatively charged person and i often have a soundtrack in my head i just cant turn off, no matter how sober i am. About 25% of the time my head is a whorle of energy (after a few hours i jsut realize it is off). I feel like its just the ambient part of a mind with a lot going on. I dont think it is the same as the things a person with psychosis or schizophrenia hears.

That background aside- i was cooking up a soundtrack again. I was hearing radio feedback and was so aware of the wind (that i didn't realize was non-existant until i stepped outside to drive home much later). At this point i was wondering about driving home as i wasnt sure if i was coming up or down, but i jsut shrugged it off as family dinner wasn't until 7:30.

T+3:30 My head trip is gone. I think at this point the marijuana was over and what i was feeling was straight 2c-e, which i now knew (after my shivers and vision warbling) EXACTLY why it was called 'echo'. People always ask about the weird names of the 2c chems, and now i can tell them just how spot on the nature of a title can be. I was ready to go home but every one of us had D's warning in mind (that i had relayed to them when i got there). Every friend he has ever given pills to that drove somewhere got in a minor accident of some sort, be it hitting back of garage, going in ditch at slow speed, or rear ending somethign at stop sign. The one word of advice he gave was 'no matter how much you want to drive you won't be able to for a good 6-7 hours.'

I knew in my heart i could drive and told them i wished i had a way to go home. I wasn't sure what to do. I wasn't stressed. I just wanted to relaxe in my own house (we keep it SPOTLESS and fresh). After much convincing and a field sobriety test from my friend (the guy), they said i could go home but HAD to call the second i got there. Just after i left my mom calls the girl on her cell to say dinner was canceled and that we would just scavenge on our own as we saw fit (so in other words if i get in car accident parents wont know, and friends won't know). They get stressed.

Meanwhile- i am driving the 30 minutes on interstate 95 to get home. It is finaly dark and all i can see is headlights jetting all over. I am very visual and just felt in my heart where the cars where. I was able to obey speed limit and break with the same rephlexes of a sober person (I95 at rush hour is SERIOUS). It was overwhelmingly scary all the way home.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

T +4:20-24:00: Im home, showered, and lieing on a comfy couch. I call my friends to give the thumbs up then wonder how i made it home. I just zone out on couch and get my frist chance to enjoy the now diminishing visuals. The warbling is so curious yet it doesnt make me as anxious as you would expect. I was very soothed through most of trip and more so as it wore off. I could go on and on about the curious things i thought of on that couch into the night, but i'd best end this report.

Even the next day my vision was still off at work (the billowing clouds seemed much moodier than usual, and the firey red maples were BRILLIANT.) It isnt a very introspective chemical but ever since that night i have cherished the value of a safe comfortable home with productive family members (kids that don't smoke and parents that don't argue). The other guy with us felt absolutely nothing from the 2c-e. The two girls seemed to have modest experiences.

I reacted EXTREMELY strongly to this chemical. It may have been part due to the tobaco. Every phenethylamine i have tried since then has been just as potent however, but 2c-e remains an animal of a chemical. I have done it once and will never do it again, but i still have a soft spot in my heart for that magical afternoon with a research chem called 'echo'.

PS: never drive on this! It is nothing short of a miracle that i am not dead and gone having left a knife in my parents hearts knowing their kid drove into a tree taking research chems. Don't drive on this! if you get some 2c-e then either do it at home or have a ride! take this warning seriously!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68704
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2008Views: 6,659
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2C-E (137) : Glowing Experiences (4), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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