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Racing Heart
Citation:   TerStel. "Racing Heart: An Experience with Cannabis (exp6910)". May 28, 2002.

  smoked Cannabis
I've smoked pot sporadically for a few years. I'm not by any means a regular user. My usual pattern is to go about 6-8 months without smoking and then get stoned about once every one and a half weeks for two months and then quit again for 6-8 months.

To me, the only negative thing about smoking marijuana is the racing heart. To be honest, it scares the shit out of me to feel my chest pounding like I'm going to go into cardiac arrest at any given moment. I used to get this rather intensely and quite often (about 60% of the time), but I've noticed that it's been getting less and less of a problem as of late.

I noticed that I mostly got the racing heart when I would smoke out of a joint, and whenever I roll a joint, I feel almost committed to finishing the joint, thereby compelling me to smoke more than I need to get comfortably stoned. I have since swithed to a pipe since it's easier to control the pot dosage.

Another thing I noticed during a racing heart episode was that belching REALLY helped relieve that hard, thumping feeling I get in your chest when I think that my heart can't beat any faster. In fact, since marijuana tends to distort my perception of touch, time, and sound volume, I wondered if my heart really was beating as fast as I thought it was or if it was just excess air stuck in my chest that needed to be burped out.

At any rate, these two things really helped me out with the whole racing heart problem and helped me to enjoy my pot trips. Hope they help to make your experience a little more tranquil!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6910
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 28, 2002Views: 12,731
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Cannabis (1) : Not Applicable (38), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5)

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