Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
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Citation:   SplifferHSC. "2C-Eternity: An Experience with 2C-E (exp69104)". Erowid.org. Mar 11, 2008. erowid.org/exp/69104

18 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
  1 repeated smoked Cannabis  
I remember this night oh so clearly, yet oh so opaque. It all started off in the high school parking lot with a whole bunch of people meeting up to go do whatever and it ended in sheer mystery. A friend of mine had acquired some 2C-E from the research chemical guru in town, we'll call him JP. He acquired 5 hits (worth $100 where I live) and along with JP, I tripped with three more people; whose names are CT, CP, and TP in this experience.

So, CP and TP had acquired their 2C-B to match the 2C-E JP was about to give me and CT, and it was set that it was straight to trip in TP's basement that night for as long as we needed it to. Along with the trippers were four more people; their pseudonyms can be identified as BS, MR, JR and GE. Those last four didn't trip that night, but that mattered to me little as I was about to experience a virginal dip into the world of the 2C family.

I myself have been quite experienced with entheogens; I have been smoking pot since I was 12 years old (I am 18 years old upon writing this), I've drank since I was 13, I've done handfulls of pills of all sorts, I've ate mushrooms about 10 times, done acid once, done cocaine a couple of times, but I have never been so opened up by entheogens like I was this night.

After everyone that was up in the high school parking lot split, CT, CP and TP headed up to Wal-Mart to get some glowsticks by recommendation of the veteran phenethylamine trippers. All the others piled into my Blazer and we went off to some dude's house to get a quarter bag and after it was all said and done we met up at TP's house.

The five of us gathered around a wooden table, drinks in hand ready to consume the glorious pills. Someone chalked on the board exactly when we all took it and it was exactly 11:30 on the dot when we finished. For the coming up part of the trip, I totally neglected my vow to stay clean in order to get a job and went outside and blazed through a couple bowls and felt the very familiar weed buzz kick in. After that and a couple cigarettes, I went back inside where the movie Superbad was playing.

About 30 minutes into the movie, I noticed everything had a red tint to it. I was amazed by this, because I wasn't sure if my vision was just getting bad or if the 2C-E was actually about to kick in. I've never done it until then; and it wasn't like mushrooms where I got that G-force feeling and the feeling in my teeth to let me know what I was in for... it just kind of happened all of a sudden. I was hit with a rush of phenethylamine power around an hour after I had taken it, and I had no idea what I was in store for.

For about the next hour and a half, it's all a blur, I don't quite remember all of it except for bits and pieces. I remember going outside and GE had been listening to some Nine Inch Nails on some media playing device and it sounded like the craziest music I had ever heard. By this point, all those not tripping were either drunk, high, or a combination of both. Before too long, GE had split. Fine by me.

And I took a look up at the stars, I had never seen such a thing in my life. It was cold outside and the only provisions I had to protect me from the elements was a flannel and some cigarettes and these vivid visuals I was getting. The stars were no longer in their constellations as normal; except a myriad of blue, red, white, yellow and purple stars, fluttering about in the sky, and I felt as if I could move them with my mind. I must have been looking at them for 10 minutes before the infamous vomitting occured.

After that, I felt what I thought was the plateau about to come up. I was too cold and I decided to go back inside to find MR on the couch. Everyone that was tripping was still outside glowsticking and enjoying the tracers but I wanted some conversation with the 'sane world' at this point for some reason. Bad choice, as this was the most unpleasant part of the experience thus far. MR was too fucked up to talk, as I tried my hardest to engage in some form of conversation with anyone in the room, but at the same time the 2C-E and weed overwhelmed me and I sunk into the carpet, trying my hardest to shake off the sanguine-red touch to the room and the dissolving fractals in the rug's pattern. I wondered if sleep was a possibility and I endured my hardest for the next few minutes to grip onto reality, but this was not possible.

I rushed into TP's bathroom and lifted the toilet seat. I felt some more about to come up, and it did. After I threw up for the second time, I had noticed that EVERYTHING had changed. All senses had a new definition to them, and the way they functioned five hours ago was not the way they did at this point. I felt like a new human being, or even one transcended of being human. My mouth was absorbed by a metallic taste to everything, my eyes were mystified by the insane patterns on everything, my ears heard some insane combination of a Fischerspooner song and a fan blade, I can't quite describe that. Touch hadn't changed all that much aside from I could actually dip my fingers into the crazy patterns and I wasn't sure what was safe to touch and what was out to get me. I smelled smoke everywhere I went, but that may have been because I was chiefing as many cigarettes as possible, hoping to attain satisfaction (absolutely impossible at the place I was).

One look at myself in the mirror convinced me that I needed to drift past this altered state of being and reunite myself amongst the tripping crowd. I had broken out into a furious sweat and I was struggling to not dissolve into the patterns on the floor. I wasn't frightened, but I wasn't sure of what was going to happen next. To fend of the sweat, I took off my flannel and shirt only now in a wifebeater and headed outside. I completely forgot how frigid it was, too.

Upon going outside, I redefined tracers. I had never seen anything so vivid, so full of life in all my days. Simple things such as glowsticks were something of that I relied my sanity and good trip on from now until the end. Everyone out there thought I was nuts because I was in a wifebeater and refusing to accept that it was about freezing outside, but I was too absorbed in glowsticking. They were forming all kinds of fractal patterns, animals, etc. Whatever my mind wanted the two sticks to become, it was so. After regaining my perception on temperature, I rushed back inside to retrieve my clothing and headed back outside. I completely ignored the ominous roar of the guitar amp's flanger that JR was playing with great skill, as I thought it might be a threat to my safety (my mind had never been so volatile during a trip like this).

I remember talking to CP, who was smoking a cigarette as I was. The only words I could mutter was his first name, as speech was practically impossible as I was shivering like never before, trying to control the contents in my stomach and coming to terms with the intensity of my trip all at once. I, weirdly, got no response from CP (I did 2C-B a couple weeks later and it wasn't shit compared to 2C-E). Nonetheless, we all got tired of the cold and we ran out of pot some thirty minutes ago so we decided it was glowsticking time. The most glorious part of the trip was in full swing.

Any song TP or CT decided to play on the computer was now a part of me and if the glowsticks or the music were to stop, I would surely be thrown back into the dissolving void I singlehandedly fought to get out of. It was about 3:00 at this time, and now I was stuck in a series of patterns. Not visual, just mannerism patterns. I would sit down for about fifteen seconds, get up and walk around for another fifteen, grab some glowsticks, glowstick for about a minute or so and hand them off, talk to some people, and then venture off into the bathroom (which was extremely dangerous considering looking at myself is what launched me into the unpleasant part of my trip).

I was parched, so some water was definitely needed. Turning on the faucet was a riveting experience. I would look at the water, then after about three seconds, the 'red' would kick in again. The water turned into blood! I was drinking blood from TP's faucet. I rushed back in to tell everyone of how glorious this made me feel to drink blood, and all I received was laughter. Everyone awake tripping or not concurred that my statement about drinking blood was the funniest thing they had heard all night. Anyways, this pattern (besides notifying them all that blood, not water, was coming out of the faucet) of events would go on for the next 30 minutes or so. I remember CT continually spouting the phrase 'Nice, nice!' for what seemed like an eternity every time that other feeling that I get off of 2C-E would kick in. The flanger was still being played and the trip was in full swing, I was in heaven.

At about 4:30 AM, the events that were going on were suddenly interrupted. TP's dad was awake, walking the dog outside and we all had to act like we weren't a bunch of fools tripping our balls off, but much to our luck we never came in contact with him. So, we continued our glowsticking spree, becoming more and more fascinated with the tracers as we'd continue. Fischerspooner, Crystal Method, Darude, Daft Punk, Soundgarden, a lot of others were being recycled in iTunes or whatever it was being played out of as we'd continue this until the sun rose.

By 6:30, TP and CP's trip had worn off as 2C-B doesn't last nearly as long as 2C-E, so they attempted to fall asleep. JP, CT and I were still possessed greatly by the effect of 2C-E, so we talked for what seemed like ages and glowsticked for about another hour. The whole time we were at TP's, we'd continually drop the glowsticks and it'd thud onto the wooden-with-glass table that he had, probably waking up whoever was upstairs. After a while, he had gotten tired of it and the sun was up now, so it was time to go. I didn't know how to make sense of this, as I drove, and how I was about to drive as I was still tripping so intensely hard that I didn't think I could pull it off.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

I've driven completely trashed on every substance I've done except acid and it had been to much success, but for once I felt like I just couldn't pull it off. Luckily for me, CT told me he had tripped acid and was driving on the most intense part of his trip and did it perfectly, so I trusted him enough to let him drive.

So, the nine or some odd of us walked out of TP's basement, rather a march. I recall CT saying 'It's like all of us are marching off to war!' and it was because we were trying to get to our cars before TP's parents saw us all. I got in the car and gave the keys to CT and we drove to McDonald's, about a ten minute drive from where we were.

I had also never day tripped before, and it was truly amazing. The road seemed further away than what it was and it had a tint to it like in Grand theft auto 3 when the game glitches and the roads turn blue and have that mysterious void in them. Before I went into McDonald's, I had to make sure that the way I looked was good enough to make it not so obvious that I had been up all night tripping my balls off, as I wouldn't know what might happen if someone caught me in the middle of a trip that I wouldn't want to.

My pupils had never been so huge in my entire life! I thought they were huge when I did shrooms, but the black encapsulated almost all of my eye, as there was only a thin layer of blue surrounding it. No bother though, as everyone else's were the same. We went inside and techno was playing! It's like they knew what to play when we entered the door. We all talked of the crazy visuals we saw that night and the et cetera before everyone went their own separate ways. I'm leaving plenty of detail out as it's something I simply cannot put into words.

To this day, I still feel some of its effects. The metallic taste in my mouth is apparent some times more than others, but a hint of it has stayed since that very night. Sometimes I get visuals when I'm sober that are reminiscent of what I saw as well. I can't watch Superbad without noticing how 'red' everything looks in it and when I trip on other hallucinogens I try my hardest not to make anything turn red because the battle I fought to get out of that void was one of the hardest things I have done on my own in my life. A phrase CP said... 'Trippy shoes are hard to slip into' lingers in my mind as well. A bunch of things I can't describe.

Finally, 2C-E lasts a REALLY long time and the intense part of the trip lasted a long time as well (hence 2C-Eternity as the title).


Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69104
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2008Views: 7,825
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2C-E (137) : HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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