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Gone Insane
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   The1bakerskater. "Gone Insane: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp70174)". Aug 8, 2009.

T+ 0:00
11.1 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My friend told me about morning glory seeds and how you can trip off them similar to acid. I was interested because I've taken acid before but not enough to trip and I've done 33mg of 2cb and I saw closed eye visuals/patterns with color that flowed with the music but besides that little distortion, nothing crazy. I wanted to trip out so I bought 7 packs of Heavenly Blue morning glory seeds which was just over 11g for the coming up weekend.

Friday night comes and I’m really excited cause I got weed to smoke and I’m ready to trip out. After my mom went to sleep, I ground up the seeds into the best powder I could but there was still some bigger chunks in there. I put that in a mug and poured hot tea over it. Tried slamming it but there was still mush at the bottom after I drank all that I could. I tried scooping it out and eating it but it didn’t taste the best so I poured milk in the mug, mixed it and drank it. I had to do this again because there was still mush at the bottom. Now I felt full and it was about midnight so I watched my bro play video games for about an hour waiting to smoke cause I wanted the seeds to kick in while I was high.

An hour goes by, it's about a bit after 1am. I pack a fat bowl of some decent shwag and start smoking it. By the time I finished I was feeling high and normal (I smoke pretty often it's almost a daily thing) so I got up and I was feeling really high. It was like the first time being high again (the scary “I’ve never experienced this before” feeling) and it kept increasing. I started feeling tremers similar to 2cb. So now I’m pretty sure the seeds are kicking in because danks don’t even do this and my mind couldn't think straight, it kept jumping from one thing to another.

30 min go by, I’m fucked up my breathing gets really heavy. I look in the mirror, my eyes are huge. I still wasn’t seeing anything abnormal but I was extremely focused on whatever I looked at. I decide to turn on some led zeppelin and the doors to listen to while laying down on my bed. I stare at the ceiling and thoughts race through my head. I listen to the song and I couldn’t think of who was singing it and I don’t think I’ve ever even heard it before actually. I stare at the ceiling again and I was in a state between awake and sleeping. My eyes were open but my mind was totally consumed by my inner thoughts. I realize my mouth was really dry and I realized that my whole body felt really good. I’ve never done ecstasy, but it felt exactly the way people say it feels like. My head felt one with everything I thought of and it felt like wind was rushing through my head, my whole body. Everything I thought of, I understood. It all made sense to me. I felt really really happy I don’t know why but I just did. A shitty song brings me back to earth and I look at the computer. It was after 3 am. Two hours felt like not even 5 minutes. I went to the bathroom and layed back in bed to fall sleep.

I wake up in the morning and feel well rested but out of place in this world. I didn’t feel normal but life seemed so plain and simple and boring. My conversations were fine, but I would constantly be staring at something, thinking to myself. When I moved my head and looked to the side it felt and seemed different than usual. I was still being affected by the seeds. The time went by so fast, every time I looked at the clock another 30 min would go by feeling like a few minutes.

Later on in the afternoon everyone leaves except my brother and I decide to smoke a bowl in the garage to try and slow down time. It seemed to last a while and by the end I was starting to feel mary jane kick in. I go inside and start making some food. I staring feeling really weird again and was thinking randomly. I thought about the possibilities of life and how it could have been so much different. I was feeling much higher than normal again. When I talked it didn’t feel like I was talking, it just felt way different. Thoughts went bizarre and I peaked at a point to which I was literally insane. Nothing made sense and I felt lost in this world. Tremors were hitting me and everything around what I looked at seemed to shake/wave/dance at the peak of each tremor. I had gone crazy and I knew it but I knew that I would come down from this eventually so I didn’t freak out. This lasted for maybe an hour till I started coming down.

The next day (today) I felt completely sobered up. Those seeds are some crazy shit. Only disappointment was no visuals I wanted to hallucinate, but this definitely opened up parts of my brain I don’t think I’ve ever used before. Good experience I’d definitely do it again.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70174
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2009Views: 5,419
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Morning Glory (38), Cannabis (1) : Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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