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Feeling Good in a Very Real Way
Citation:   NitrousAcid. "Feeling Good in a Very Real Way: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp70486)". Dec 18, 2008.

  insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
First a bit of info about myself:
I am a bit of a speed freak I often do speed to be more social and more concentrated I have tried pure MDMA a couple of times and ecstasy a few times and a lot of hallucinogens and opiates/opioids. I often do stimulants to enhance my social abilities and to have fun, my favorite type of drugs are psychedelics since they really helped me to see life from other perspectives.

The 4-Methylmethcathinone exprience:
After hearing lots of positive things about a substance called Mephedrone (Aka. 4-Methylmethcathinone or 2-Methylamino-1-p-tolylpropan-1-one) me and my friend decided to order some from one of the smart shops that sold it as a alternative to illegal drugs, they described the effect as a mix of amphetamine and mdma.

The same day I received the package containing the substance I felt very eager to try it out, I realized that the name 'mephedrone' was probably just taken right out of the air to sell better because I would probably call it 4-Methylmethcathinone anyways, I slitted up about a g each in to two zip locks and used a razor blade to clean out the knife used to move the powder, I noticed there was very much 'stones' (compressed powder) in the powder, so the chance it would contain something more than just 'mephedrone' was fairly small.

I started by snorting the rests of powder from the knife.

After about 5 minutes I started to feel the first vibes, it was a very amphetamine like upcome with a scene of total wellbeing, I was in a very pleasant mood and the music sounded better than ever, I had promised myself to study some because I had a test the very next day, so I tried to study but it was so hard to sit still I just wanted to dance, it was a very nice feeling.

After about 15 minutes the experience reached its peak, it was a very nice rush, it was a wonderful, by this time the rush was more of a mdma kind of rush, but without the very exaggerated feeling of well being, I was feeling very good but in a very real way. The time went on very fast and I had a very pleasant evening.

After a about an hour or two I took some more and went on for a few more hours.

I didn't feel bad afterwards which I usually do after taking amphetamine or mdma, I did feel very nice, a feeling not far from the one I get after a acid trip it feels almost that I was reborn, I felt very good.

I kept on taking it for a few more days, until one night when I took very much like 600-700mg the worst after effect was like a hangover I just felt a bit dried out.
No signs of abstinence

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2008Views: 14,296
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